T-Rizzle12 / Custom-Gmod-Bot

Originally a personal gmod bot that I decided to make public.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

Better Bot State System #55

Open T-Rizzle12 opened 2 months ago

T-Rizzle12 commented 2 months ago

The new state system is great, but adding and creating new states is very hard and time-consuming. I'm thinking of using my newfound knowledge about metatables to create a new state class that will allow me to create new states much more efficiently than before. Essentially, I will be recreating the Action system used by NextBots in Valve games such as Left 4 Dead and TF2. This will allow multiple states to run at once and even allow the bots to respond to hook events based on the active action. Currently, I have most of the framework done at the time I am posting this, but I still have a lot of work ahead of me.


T-Rizzle12 commented 2 months ago

Related #54

T-Rizzle12 commented 1 month ago

Made some more progress on this recently, I just need to make some adjustments before I can call it done.

T-Rizzle12 commented 1 month ago

Finished everything I needed to do here. Surprisingly this is very cheap to run compared to the older system.