T-Rizzle12 / Custom-Gmod-Bot

Originally a personal gmod bot that I decided to make public.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link


This addon is on Steam, you can download it there instead: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2969405101

Important contributions welcome HitCount

This mod is in Beta, there will be bugs, but constant updates with new features and fixes.

Although you can just clone the repository. (I will put updates into a secondary branch before releasing it) I would suggest downloading the latest release, Thank You!

Special thanks to Zenlenafelex [PSF] for helping me with the pathfinding code for the bot.

Why I made this mod

I made this because I usually have to play Gmod alone and I also wanted to see what I could do with the nextbot system. This is also a base bot addon, I will use this addon to make bots for other gamemodes.


CommandName, CommandParameters, Example

Current Features

Bot Cheats

I know what you are thinking, but these are needed to make the bot fun and easy to use.


Planned Features