T4G2 / grx

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grX is university project for subject PV112 - Computer Graphics API

Glad - binding for OpenGL glfw - Widnwos, inputs, events glm - OpenGL Math

you can relaod shaders/prgorams with F5 key lock camera with F2 key

Conventions: do not change state in render/draw only change state in update

textures and files that accompany .obj files should be put in the same folder as .obj file
in material files there should be only custom materials for textures

.obj files should be linked into materials and .mtl files directly
.obj files should have no perface material
.obj files should have only ONE shape

demo.toml is demo scene where there are basic principles of scene building showed
you can view how to construct basic nodes in nodes_demos.md 

Shaders: D - diffuse DN - diffuse/normal DNS - diffuse/normal/specular DNSM - diffuse/normal/specular/metalic

Classes architecture: IApplication - basic framework for Application res - resource Classes all resources are then stored in BaseResourceManager<res> nodes - all nodes, you can have in scene and classes that system need to work managers - Managers of different resources BaseResourceManager<res>- look up for description

libs - my own little libraries , where I implement basic things i need in code 

How to create game:

Creating new Nodes:

Tags on Nodes:

Do not Create New Nodes with properties, type(default type), scl, rot, pos


