TACC / pylauncher

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This is the README file for the



Victor Eijkhout eijkhout@tacc.utexas.edu

The pylauncher is a python-based parametric job launcher, that is, a utility for executing many small jobs in parallel. On many batch-based cluster computers this is a better strategy than submitting many small individual small jobs.

================ Sources

The latest version of the pylauncher is always available from the repository: https://github.com/TACC/pylauncher

The only required sources for running are pylaucher.py and hostlist.py (if the latter is already installed on your system you don't even need that.)

================ Documentation and Examples

The examples' directory contains a number of python programs that illustrate the use of the pylauncher. Thedocs' directory contains pdf and html documentation, as well as a powerpoint.

================ Support

If you are a TACC or XSEDE user, please submit a ticket in the respective ticket system. Otherwise, create a ticket in the github repo. You can also mail me, putting "pylauncher" somewhere in the subject.