TBD54566975 / janky-wallet

Identity Wallet Web Extension
Apache License 2.0
18 stars 4 forks source link

Janky Wallet

A browser extension identity wallet

Our overall goal is for there to be many wallets developed by anyone who chooses to do so. In fact, we'll have failed if we're the only wallet in town. Individuals should be able to choose whichever wallet best suits their needs and feels most intuitive. Moreover, individuals should not fall victim to vendor lock-in. In an effort to achieve this goal, we intend to use as many existing standards as possible in addition to working alongside anyone who chooses to participate to develop any standards that may be missing (e.g. DIDAuthn).

TODO: add paragraph focused on "so how do we intend to achieve ^?"


wallet architecture

Architecture Elements

The wallet's architecture is comprised of 4 different elements/contexts:

Web Page

Also referred to as "Userland"

This is where an application's javascript runs. Access to a user's identity/data is facilitated by calling methods exposed by the web5 API. Any/all actions pertaining to user-data access is guarded by explicit user consent that is raised and controlled by the background service worker. A web page will only be able to access or write user data after user consent is granted.


The injector is a content script that is loaded alongside every webpage. It has has two responsibilities:

The content script has the exact same limitations that a Web Page does. The only distinguishing factor is its ability to send mesages to the background service worker. The injector has no elevated or privileged access to user data. Messages sent by the injector are identified by the origin property set by the browser.

Background Service Worker

The background service worker context is the heart and soul of the wallet and has direct access to read and write user data. You can think of it as the wallet's "backend". The background service worker is communicated with via messages that contain a cmd property. This cmd property dictates the action taken by the service worker.

Not all contexts are allowed to run every available cmd. For example, UI raised by the wallet can send commands that the injector can't and vice versa. Additionally, commands sent by the injector on behalf of a web page will often cause the background worker to raise a user consent popup.

Wallet UI

Wallet UI is always raised by the background service worker using browser.windows.create and can communicate directly with the background service worker. Windows created by an extension's background service worker are effectively considered as content scripts. The wallet UI context has access to more commands than the injector context. Examples of Wallet UI include:

TODO: add message-flow diagram

TODO: add link to web5 API design doc

TODO: add links to design doc proposals for each web5 API method

Project Resources

Resource Description
CODEOWNERS Outlines the project lead(s)
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Expected behavior for project contributors, promoting a welcoming
CONTRIBUTING.md Developer guide
GOVERNANCE.md Project governance
LICENSE Apache License, Version 2.0