TBS1996 / ocean-chat

GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link


Ocean Chat

A program that will pair you up with the person who has the closest personality to your own!

Personality is defined by the big 5 test. You can take the test here: https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/IPIP-BFFM/

"Closest personality" is found by taking the euclidean distance between the 5 dimension scores of two personalities

This project is w.i.p.

For developing locally:

Run the backend with cargo run --features server.

Open project in another terminal, do dx serve.

Open in yet another terminal, do dx serve --port 8081 (or any free port other than first one)

[!NOTE] Client-side code won't compile if you haven't run the backend, as it generates some textfiles that will be packaged into the client's binary

For building locally:

To build the backend, run cargo build --features server --profile release-server

To build the frontend, run dx build --release