TBolton2000 / concord

A group project for CSCE 606: Software Engineering at Texas A&M University
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(Not So) Quick Start

Howdy everyone! Welcome to the new concord (name still pending) repository!

Here is a walkthrough of all of the tools that you will need and how to install all of them.


Windows Only:
  1. WSL
  2. Ubuntu for WSL
  3. Windows Terminal (optional, but a very good terminal)
  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. Node.js
  3. nvm
  4. git
  5. This repo

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

This is a low overhead virtual machine that runs a Linux distrubtion on a Windows computer. We will be using this to standardize all of our terminals/command prompts in a Unix-like shell.

  1. Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator
    1. Press windows key and type PowerShell, click Run as Administrator on the right side of the search window
  2. Run the command dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
  3. Restart your computer
  4. WSL should be activated!

Ubuntu for WSL

  1. Open the Microsoft Store, press windows key and type Microsoft Store.
  2. Search for Ubuntu and install.
  3. You should now be able to open the Ubuntu application on your computer and have a fully functional Unix-like shell

Windows Terminal

  1. Open the Microsoft Store
  2. Search for Windows Terminal and install
  3. You should now have a terminal that will allow you to run PowerShell and Ubuntu
  4. Press the drop down arrow at the top to open an Ubuntu terminal.

Visual Studio Code

  1. Download from https://code.visualstudio.com/
  2. Open Visual Studio Code
  3. Go to Extensions (or press Ctrl+Shift+X) and search and install for the extension Remote - WSL
  4. You can close this for now


  1. Download 12.18.3 LTS from https://nodejs.org/en/
  2. Install

nvm (node version manager)

  1. Open Ubuntu in Windows Terminal or Terminal on Mac
  2. Run curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
  3. We will use this later when finalizing the setup for the git repository


  1. Check if already installed:
    1. Open Ubuntu in Windows Terminal or Terminal on Mac
    2. run git --version if it returns a version number, then you're done!
  2. If you do not already have git installed, continue
  3. Run sudo apt-get install git to install git
  4. Check that it installed correctly git --version

    git config: Set up Git config files for easier interfacing with github

  5. run git config --global user.name "YourGitHubName"
  6. run git config --global user.email "youremail@domain.com" with the email associated with your GitHub account

This Repository! Finally!!!

  1. Now that we have everything else downloaded, we are ready to get the project files on your computer.
  2. Open Ubuntu in Windows Terminal or open Terminal on Mac
  3. Navigate to wherever you want to save this repository on your filesystem, you do not need to make a folder for the project, it will come in a folder labeled concord.
  4. Run git clone https://github.com/TBolton2000/concord.git concord
  5. Navigate into the project, cd concord
  6. Run nvm use and run nvm install if/when prompted
  7. Run npm install which will install all javascript packages for this project (and takes a while)
  8. Finally, to test if everything is set up properly: run npm run dev and wait until the program fully boots up, may take a minute or two.
  9. A window should have been opened in your browser at the url http://localhost:3000/. Once everything is started, you should be able to refresh this page and see our web application running locally.


Feel free to poke around the files. A lot of the files are automatically generated boiler plate. We will write code in the /src/ directory.

Typical work flow (Coding/Git guide)

  1. Navigate to the /concord file on your computer in Terminal (Ubuntu in Windows Terminal or Terminal on Mac)
  2. Run code . to open this folder in Visual Studio code using a Unix-style terminal.
  3. Open the terminal in VS Code (toggle using Ctrl+</code> on Windows or <code>Cmd+ on Mac)
  4. Create a new branch in git by using git checkout -b new-branch-name. See below for more information on git.
  5. Make changes to files, complete tasks.
  6. Run git status to see what files you have made changes to.
  7. Queue changes up to save to git using git add filename or add all using git add .
  8. Make a commit to your local git repository using git commit -m "Your commit message"
  9. Push your local commit to the GitHub repostiory using git push
  10. When all the features that you are working on are done on your branch, create a Pull Request on GitHub to prepare your changes for the master branch.
  11. Your code will then be reviewed by other team members and if approved, your changes will present in the master branch.
  12. If there are some problems, just go back to that branch, make the changes, commit, and push to GitHub for code to be rereviewed.

git helpful tips



Directory Layout

├── /node_modules/                    # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /dist/                            # All the generated files will go here, and will run from this folder
├── /src/                             # The source code of the application
│   ├── /client/                      # React app
│   ├── /services/                    # Express server apps hosting our different services
│   ├── /shared/                      # The shared code between the client and the server
├── /assets/                          # images, css, jsons etc.
├── .eslintrc                         # es-lint configuration
├── .prettierec                       # prettier configuration
├── .gitignore                        # ignored git files and folders
├── .nvmrc                            # Force nodejs version
├── .env                              # (ignored) Can be used to override environment variables
├── index.js                          # The server's entry point
├── package.json                      # The list of 3rd party libraries and utilities
└── tsconfig-for-webpack-config.json  # using TypeScript for the webpack config file
├── README.md                         # This file

What's included



All applications require a config mechanism, for example, SLACK_API_TOKEN. Things that you don't want in your git history, you want a different environment to have different value (dev/staging/production). This repo uses the file config.ts to access all your app variables. And a .env file to override variable in dev environment. This file is ignored from git.