This is a plugin for sass preprocessing in gradle. It uses vaadin-sass-compiler.
You should clone this repository locally and install the jar in the local maven repository
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
In your build.gradle add the following at the start of the script:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "it.tellnet:gradle-sass:+"
Proceed to configure the plugin.
This plugin supports webjars. There are 2 additional configurations added to the project:
sassRuntime 'org.webjars.npm:github-com-mrkelly-lato:0.3.0'
sassRuntime 'org.webjars.bower:open-iconic:1.1.1'
These configurations just resolve dependencies and add them to the search path for scss files. Thus it is possible to add webjars like bootstrap-sass to dependencies. In order to add sassRuntime deps to java runtime deps use the following snippet
configurations.runtime.extendsFrom configurations.sassRuntime
There are 3 tasks defined:
To configure this plugin you can declare a block as follows:
sass {
//The input directory
sassDir = 'src/main/sass' //default value
//The output directory
cssDir = 'build/sass' //default value
//Minify output css
minify = false //default value
//Vaadin sass compiler is pretty verbose about errors
silenceErrors = false //default value
//You can add scan directories to look for SCSS files in the JARs
//Search in dep jars looks for these directories
searchDirectories '/META-INF/resources/webjars/open-iconic/1.1.1/font/css/',