TEN-framework / TEN-Agent

TEN Agent is the world’s first real-time multimodal agent integrated with the OpenAI Realtime API, RTC, and features weather checks, web search, vision, and RAG capabilities.
Apache License 2.0
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feat(demo): new UI & rtm user input #357

Closed shczhen closed 20 hours ago

shczhen commented 1 week ago


  1. Standardize front-end code, implement a responsive layout, and remove the dual entry points for PC and mobile.
  2. Update the UI by integrating shadcn/ui and ultimately removing antd.
  3. Integrate the User Input component.




  1. Restructure the project (demo).
  2. Final removal of antd & scss.
  3. Eliminate redundant code.
  4. Apply all changes to the project (playground).