TEN-framework / TEN-Agent

TEN Agent is the world’s first real-time multimodal agent integrated with the OpenAI Realtime API, RTC, and features weather checks, web search, vision, and RAG capabilities.
Apache License 2.0
1.39k stars 160 forks source link
agent ai asr cpp gemini golang gpt-4 gpt-4o llm low-latency multimodal nextjs14 openai python rag real-time realtime tts vision voice-assistant

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🎉 TEN Agent with OpenAI Realtime API and RTC

Try OpenAI Realtime API and RTC at agent.theten.ai.

Combining OpenAI Realtime API for ultra-low latency with RTC’s AI noise suppression ensures smooth, high-quality interactions. On top of that, the seamless integration of weather and news tools makes TEN Agent even more versatile.

TEN Agent with OpenAI Realtime API and RTC

TEN Agent Features

Ready-to-use Extensions

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How to build TEN Agent locally ### Prerequisites #### Keys - Agora [ App ID ](https://docs.agora.io/en/video-calling/get-started/manage-agora-account?platform=web#create-an-agora-project) and [ App Certificate ](https://docs.agora.io/en/video-calling/get-started/manage-agora-account?platform=web#create-an-agora-project)(certificate only required if enabled in the Agora Console) - [OpenAI](https://openai.com/index/openai-api/) API key - [ Deepgram ](https://deepgram.com/) ASR and [ FishAudio ](fish.audio) TTS #### Installation - [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) / [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) - [Node.js(LTS) v18](https://nodejs.org/en) #### Minimum system requirements - CPU >= 2 Core - RAM >= 4 GB #### Docker setting on Apple Silicon You will need to uncheck "Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon" option for Docker if you are on Apple Silicon. However, please note that build and connection times will be a little slower due to emulation when running on ARM systems. Once deployed to x64 (e.g. your Linux server) it will be much faster. ![Docker Setting](https://github.com/TEN-framework/docs/blob/main/assets/gif/docker_setting.gif?raw=true) ### Next step #### 1. Modify config files In the root of the project, use `cp` command to create `.env` from the [ .env.example ](https://github.com/TEN-framework/ten-agent/blob/main/.env.example). It will be used to store environment variables for `docker compose` later, and if you change it, you will need to `source .env` again for the changes to take effect. ```bash cp ./.env.example ./.env ``` #### 2. Setup API keys Open the `.env` file and fill in the `keys`. ```bash # Agora App ID # Agora App Certificate(only required if enabled in the Agora Console) AGORA_APP_ID= AGORA_APP_CERTIFICATE= OPENAI_API_KEY= DEEPGRAM_API_KEY= FISH_AUDIO_TTS_KEY= ``` #### 3. Start agent development containers In the same directory, run the `docker compose up` command to compose containers: ```bash docker compose up ``` Or using the `docker compose up -d` command, start the container in detached mode.([more here](https://doc.theten.ai/ten-agent/setting_up_vscode_for_development_inside_container)) ```bash docker compose up -d ``` #### 4. Enter container and build agent Open up a separate terminal window, enter the container and build the agent: ```bash docker exec -it ten_agent_dev bash make build ``` #### 5. Start the server Once the build is done, `make run-server` on port `8080`: ```bash make run-server ``` ### Finish and verify #### TEN Agent Open up [localhost:3000]( http://localhost:3000 ) in browser to play the TEN Agent. #### TEN Graph Designer Open up another tab go to [localhost:3001]( http://localhost:3001 ), and use Graph Designer to create, connect and edit extensions on canvas. Once you save the graph, you can return to [localhost:3000]( http://localhost:3000 ) and select the corresponding graph to view the changes. ![TEN Graph Designer](https://github.com/TEN-framework/docs/blob/main/assets/gif/hello_world_python.gif?raw=true)

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- [Discord](https://discord.gg/VnPftUzAMJ): Ideal for sharing your applications and engaging with the community. - [GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/TEN-framework/ten-agent/discussions): Perfect for providing feedback and asking questions. - [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/TEN-framework/ten-agent/issues): Best for reporting bugs and proposing new features. Refer to our [contribution guidelines](./docs/code-of-conduct/contributing.md) for more details. - [X (formerly Twitter)](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/TenFramework?logo=X&color=%20%23f5f5f5): Great for sharing your agents and interacting with the community.

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Contributions are welcome! Please read the [contribution guidelines](./docs/code-of-conduct/contributing.md) first.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.