🎉 TEN Agent with OpenAI Realtime API and RTC
Try OpenAI Realtime API and RTC at agent.theten.ai.
Combining OpenAI Realtime API for ultra-low latency with RTC’s AI noise suppression ensures smooth, high-quality interactions. On top of that, the seamless integration of weather and news tools makes TEN Agent even more versatile.
TEN Agent Features
OpenAI Realtime API and RTC integration:
TEN Agent is the world-class multimodal AI agent to integrate the OpenAI Realtime API and RTC.
High-Performance Real-Time Multimodal Interactions:
Offers high-performance, low-latency solutions for complex audio-visual AI applications.
Multi-Language and Multi-Platform Support :
Supports extension development in C++, Go, Python, etc. Runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices.
Edge-Cloud Integration:
Flexibly combines edge and cloud-deployed extensions, balancing privacy, cost, and performance.
Flexibility Beyond Model Limitations:
Easily build complex AI applications through simple drag-and-drop programming, integrating audio-visual tools, databases, RAG, and more.
Real-Time Agent State Management:
Manages and adjusts agent behavior in real-time for dynamic responsiveness.
Ready-to-use Extensions
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How to build TEN Agent locally
### Prerequisites
#### Keys
- Agora [ App ID ](https://docs.agora.io/en/video-calling/get-started/manage-agora-account?platform=web#create-an-agora-project) and [ App Certificate ](https://docs.agora.io/en/video-calling/get-started/manage-agora-account?platform=web#create-an-agora-project)(certificate only required if enabled in the Agora Console)
- [OpenAI](https://openai.com/index/openai-api/) API key
- [ Deepgram ](https://deepgram.com/) ASR and [ FishAudio ](fish.audio) TTS
#### Installation
- [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) / [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/)
- [Node.js(LTS) v18](https://nodejs.org/en)
#### Minimum system requirements
- CPU >= 2 Core
- RAM >= 4 GB
#### Docker setting on Apple Silicon
You will need to uncheck "Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon" option for Docker if you are on Apple Silicon. However, please note that build and connection times will be a little slower due to emulation when running on ARM systems. Once deployed to x64 (e.g. your Linux server) it will be much faster.
![Docker Setting](https://github.com/TEN-framework/docs/blob/main/assets/gif/docker_setting.gif?raw=true)
### Next step
#### 1. Modify config files
In the root of the project, use `cp` command to create `.env` from the [ .env.example ](https://github.com/TEN-framework/ten-agent/blob/main/.env.example).
It will be used to store environment variables for `docker compose` later, and if you change it, you will need to `source .env` again for the changes to take effect.
cp ./.env.example ./.env
#### 2. Setup API keys
Open the `.env` file and fill in the `keys`.
# Agora App ID
# Agora App Certificate(only required if enabled in the Agora Console)
#### 3. Start agent development containers
In the same directory, run the `docker compose up` command to compose containers:
docker compose up
Or using the `docker compose up -d` command, start the container in detached mode.([more here](https://doc.theten.ai/ten-agent/setting_up_vscode_for_development_inside_container))
docker compose up -d
#### 4. Enter container and build agent
Open up a separate terminal window, enter the container and build the agent:
docker exec -it ten_agent_dev bash
make build
#### 5. Start the server
Once the build is done, `make run-server` on port `8080`:
make run-server
### Finish and verify
#### TEN Agent
Open up [localhost:3000]( http://localhost:3000 ) in browser to play the TEN Agent.
#### TEN Graph Designer
Open up another tab go to [localhost:3001]( http://localhost:3001 ), and use Graph Designer to create, connect and edit extensions on canvas.
Once you save the graph, you can return to [localhost:3000]( http://localhost:3000 ) and select the corresponding graph to view the changes.
![TEN Graph Designer](https://github.com/TEN-framework/docs/blob/main/assets/gif/hello_world_python.gif?raw=true)
Join Community
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/VnPftUzAMJ): Ideal for sharing your applications and engaging with the community.
- [GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/TEN-framework/ten-agent/discussions): Perfect for providing feedback and asking questions.
- [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/TEN-framework/ten-agent/issues): Best for reporting bugs and proposing new features. Refer to our [contribution guidelines](./docs/code-of-conduct/contributing.md) for more details.
- [X (formerly Twitter)](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/TenFramework?logo=X&color=%20%23f5f5f5): Great for sharing your agents and interacting with the community.
Code Contributors
Contribution Guidelines
Contributions are welcome! Please read the [contribution guidelines](./docs/code-of-conduct/contributing.md) first.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.