C implementation of the Thermodynamic Equation Of Seawater - 2010 (TEOS-10)
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TEOS-10 V3.05 GSW Oceanographic Toolbox in C

This began as a translation of the original Fortran-90 source code into C. Unlike the Fortran-90 and Matlab versions of the toolbox, functions in the C version are primarily scalar. You should download the documentation from http://teos-10.org, but should look at gswteos-10.h for the C API.

The functions gsw_saar and gsw_deltasa_atlas have been modified from the original to not use an external data file for global absolute salinity anomaly and absolute salinity anomaly ratio data. The data are instead incorporated into static variables that are used directly.


LICENSE -- GSW C software license README -- This file. gsw_check_functions.c -- C implementation of the check functions gsw_checkdata.c -- static check data used by gsw check functions.c gsw_oceanographic_toolbox.c -- The C GSW library less gsw_saar gsw_saar.c -- gsw_saar and gsw_deltasa_atlas (modified) gsw_saar_data.c -- static global absolute salinity anomaly data used by gsw_saar.c gswteos-10.h -- GSW function prototypes gsw_internal_const.h -- Common parameters used to compile the C GSW library. Makefile -- basic make file to build gsw_check and libgswteos-10.so TOOLS.ini -- Variable definitions used by nmake TOOLS.gcc -- Variable definitions used by make

Usage (Unix):

The C GSW Oceanographic Toolbox comes with a testing program, gsw_check. In the directory that the toolbox was unpacked, type:


and it will attempt to build gsw_check with a dynamically-linked GSW library. Note that the Makefile assumes that your C compiler is gcc.

If gsw_check builds successfully, run it to test the toolbox:


Usage (Windows):

In the directory that the toolbox was unpacked, type:


and it will attempt to build gsw_check with a dynamically-linked GSW library. Note that Developer Command Prompt for VS should be used or compiler paths should be set manually.

If gsw_check builds successfully, run it to test the toolbox:



C programs using the GSW Oceanographic Toolbox should include the supplied header file:

#include <gswteos-10.h>

You'll probably want to build gsw_oceanographic_toolbox.c, and gsw_saar.c into a library. "make library" will attempt to build a shared library for gcc/GNU Linux platforms.


2017-02-23: gsw-3.05.0-3 Bug fix in gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height_pc. 2016-08-19: gsw-3.05.0-3 upstream changes and minor infrastructure fixes. 2015-08-26: gsw-3.05.1 added gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height, gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height_pc and support functions. 2015-08-08: gsw-3.05 many new additions and code reorganization. 2015-04-13: gsw-3.03 new additions: gsw_spiciness functions. 2015-01-07: gsw-3.03 Bug fixes, new additions. 2014-06-13: gsw-3.03 Bug fixes, new additions. 2013-09-17: gsw-3.02 Bug fixes, new additions. 2013-03-29: gsw-3.01 Bug fixes, new additions. 2012-10-07: gsw-3.0.1 New gsw_check_functions.c based on revised f90. 2011-09-23: gsw-3.0 Initial creation.

Frank Delahoyde fmdelahoyde@gmail.com

For more recent changes, see the repo on Github: https://github.com/TEOS-10/GSW-C