TGWeaver / CDDA-Sky-Islands

A raid-based gameplay overhaul mod for CDDA
88 stars 20 forks source link

Idea: Important place teleporter (Im bad at names)/ Translocators balance #30

Open adamkad1 opened 1 year ago

adamkad1 commented 1 year ago

So, It would be nice if you could make a device that could teleport you to important places (like refugee center) so you can do quests and stuff. Raids are nice, but so is the story i guess. How to balance it? I dunno. Make a status effect that will bring you back? Or deploy a exit room (Good justification for the statue reusability) in somewhat in front of it and drop you in one pulse away from warp sickness or so. Or maybe some item that would deploy island like walls around the center (or other building) when you use it, and make a 2 way teleporter or smth. Alternatively, Magiclysm got translocation gates (and translocation spell) and aftershock got a translocator and buoys, maybe make a patch that makes the translocator teleport and translocation spell also apply the warp status and add a item to the island to remove the warp status like a return statue does (or heck add a return statue to island). (Right now if you get those things, you can tp down and ignore the warp sickness, at cost of not being able to get back up if dont also have a gate up there or find a return statue)