TGWeaver / CDDA-Sky-Islands

A raid-based gameplay overhaul mod for CDDA
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Feedback on the Milestone 1 update #48

Open DenCheesecake opened 6 months ago

DenCheesecake commented 6 months ago

I've been playing the new update on a new save and loving it so far! I must say, shorter missions are a welcome change of pace and I really enjoy them!

My biggest gripe so far is that most of the early upgrades are too easy. I know it is a test build, but I would suggest adding more thought to the upgrade components/requirements for future builds. For example, the initial bunker could also require a digging tool of some sort, pipes or wood for the ladder, concrete/stone for walls, etc.

Also, a small thing I noticed, only freshly killed corpses are counting for one of the upgrades (not sure if intended), meaning you cannot simply bring a dead human body you found on a side of the road. It should be a fresh kill.

Thanks for an amazing update! I will share more feedback us I play.

TGWeaver commented 6 months ago

Some of the initial upgrades are intentionally very cheap. The first bunker upgrade, the entrance, is one you're meant to be able to get after just 1-2 raids, so you'll have a little bit of shelter beyond just the tent. Landing, scouting, mission unlocks are all meant to be ones you can get quickly. Meanwhile, other Tier 1 upgrades like stability are meant to be more expensive and gradual since their rewards are more substantial. Not having any shelter on the island has a cooling factor on a player's willingness to push on, as you quickly amass enough gear to need sorting but spending any time up in the windchill doing so can cost health, so best to get them out of the cold quickly.