TH3-F001 / Project_Aesop

Another AI Youtuber Bot
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Welcome to Project Aesop 🌟

Hey there! Thanks for swinging by Project Aesop. Ya found me in the early stages, but I'm as excited as a squirrel with a fresh acorn about what's coming up!

🤔 What’s Project Aesop All About?

Project Aesop is all about automating the creation and posting of YouTube videos, especially those nifty little shorts. But hey, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can tweak it to churn out longer videos too. We’re mainly using Python and JSON, and we’re tinkering with some pretty slick Generative AI APIs like OpenAI and ElevenLabs.

🌠 Features (Coming Real Soon!)

📈 Current Status

🤝 How to Get Involved

Want to help out? That’s mighty kind of ya! Check out our for details on how you can lend a hand.

⚙️ Setting Up

We'll be cooking up a detailed setup guide soon. Stay tuned for instructions on how to get everything running smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy.

🔑 API Keys

You’ll need to fetch your own keys for:

Just grab the keys for the APIs you plan to work with. And remember, depending on what part of the project you’re dancing with, you might not need any keys at all!

💬 Stay in Touch

I'm as eager as a kid on Christmas morning to see where this can go. Keep your eyes peeled as we keep building and improving. Any questions or got a bright idea? Don't hesitate to reach out or pull up a chair and contribute.

Thanks for stopping by, and we can't wait to see what we'll create together with Project Aesop!