THM-Health / PILOS

PILOS is an easy-to-use open source front-end for BigBlueButton servers with a built-in load balancer. Docker-Images:
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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PILOS (Platform for Interactive Live-Online Seminars) is an easy to use frontend for BigBlueButton developed at the TH Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (THM) Faculty of Health (FB GES). It is based on the experience of students, teachers and staff during the covid-19 pandemic, and the raised need for a modern and flexible video conferencing system for the use case of digital class rooms, group learning and other digital meetings.

This Frontend uses BigBlueButton and is not endorsed or certified by BigBlueButton Inc. BigBlueButton and the BigBlueButton Logo are trademarks of BigBlueButton Inc.

Table of Contents


The interface is similar to another open-source project Greenlight. During the online semester 2020 many features araised that could not be solved or were hard to implement into Greenlight. The team behind Greenlight did an amazing job, and we want to thank for their hard work!

✅/❌ Comparison Greenlight and PILOS

However, due to the underlying ruby-on-rails software architecture and the small amount of rails software-packages we decided to build a new system with another architecture.


Welcome, Home and Login

User profile

Room settings


Servers, Server-Pools, Meetings


PILOS is using Vue.js as the Frontend JavaScript Framework, Laravel as a PHP based JSON API and littleredbutton's bigbluebutton-api-php as the api for controlling BBB.


A BigBlueButton server is necessary to use this application. See how to set up a BigBlueButton server here.

For information on installing PILOS have a look at our documentation.

Upgrade to PILOS v4

If you have proviously used PILOS v2/v3, follow our upgrade instructions .

Migrate from Greenlight 2

If you have proviously used Greenlight 2, follow our migration guide.


The main parts of the application are:

  1. BigBlueButton - BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system.
  2. littleredbutton/bigbluebutton-api-php - An unofficial php api for BigBlueButton.
  3. Laravel - Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
  4. Vue - a progressive Javascript framework for building user interfaces.

A almost full list of libraries and other software components can be found here!


Please check our development documentation.


The localization is managed in our POEditor project. Feel free to join and help us translate PILOS into your language or improve the existing translations.


This PILOS project is open-sourced software licensed under the LGPL license.