Modelica Vector graphics Editor
Mozilla Public License 2.0
16 stars 8 forks source link
gui modelica scala

WARNING: This project is discontinued. It has been superseded by[MoNK].

image::[link="", align="center"]

The Modelica Vector graphics Editor (MoVE) is a cross platform graphical editor for Modelica's icon annotation. MoVE opens the opportunity to create the graphical representation of a model in a few minutes using a comfortable user interface.

== Unique features MoVE contains some features that are unique and missing in similar projects:

== Get a taste ==== Version 0.5 on Mac OS X image::doc/move-v0.5.png[] ==== Version 0.7 on Mac OS X image::doc/move-v0.7.png[]

==== Generated formatted Modelica code [source, modelica]

model test annotation( Icon ( coordinateSystem( extent = {{0,0},{754,497}} ), graphics = { Ellipse( lineColor = {0,0,0}, fillColor = {26,51,153}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, lineThickness = 4.0, extent = {{110,290},{288,112}}, endAngle = 360 ), Polygon( points = {{491,230},{543,269},{593,237},{612,301},{518,336},{433,269}}, lineColor = {255,128,128}, fillColor = {77,128,77}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, lineThickness = 4.0 ), Rectangle( lineColor = {26,51,153}, fillColor = {230,230,77}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, lineThickness = 1.0, extent = {{70,401}, {335,358}} ), Line( points = {{250,460},{541,460}}, color = {179,26,26}, thickness = 8.0 ) }) ); end test;

== Installation

IMPORTANT: If you are using[OpenJDK] install the[OpenJFX] package first!

=== Using compiled releases In order to install MoVE using our precompiled releases, first check that you have a valid[Java JRE version 8] installed. After that[grab the jar] and run it by either double-clicking the jar or running the following command in your terminal: [source, sh] $ java -jar Move-0.7.0.jar &

=== Install from source For installing from source follow this steps:

==== Notes If the javafx style manager says that he couldn't load a font (see example below) make sure the full project path doesn't contain a space. (The font loader can't handle urls containing a space.) This error only occurs when running from sbt and doesn't effect assembled jar files.

[error] May 24, 2017 12:46:01 PM com.sun.javafx.css.StyleManager loadStylesheetUnPrivileged [error] INFO: Could not load @font-face font [file:/my files/move/target/scala-2.12/classes/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf]

== License (C) 2016 Nicola Justus.

MoVE is distributed under the terms of the[Mozilla Public License Version 2.0]. See[LICENSE] file for copying permission.