WARNING: This project is discontinued. It has been superseded by https://github.com/THM-MoTE/MoNK[MoNK].
image::https://rawgit.com/THM-MoTE/Logos/master/svgs/MoVE.svg[link="https://rawgit.com/THM-MoTE/Logos/master/svgs/MoVE.svg", align="center"]
The Modelica Vector graphics Editor (MoVE) is a cross platform graphical editor for Modelica's icon annotation. MoVE opens the opportunity to create the graphical representation of a model in a few minutes using a comfortable user interface.
== Unique features MoVE contains some features that are unique and missing in similar projects:
== Get a taste ==== Version 0.5 on Mac OS X image::doc/move-v0.5.png[] ==== Version 0.7 on Mac OS X image::doc/move-v0.7.png[]
== Installation
IMPORTANT: If you are using http://openjdk.java.net/[OpenJDK] install the https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Main[OpenJFX] package first!
=== Using compiled releases In order to install MoVE using our precompiled releases, first check that you have a valid http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html[Java JRE version 8] installed. After that https://github.com/THM-MoTE/MoVE/releases/download/v0.7.0/Move-0.7.0.jar[grab the jar] and run it by either double-clicking the jar or running the following command in your terminal: [source, sh] $ java -jar Move-0.7.0.jar &
=== Install from source For installing from source follow this steps:
git clone https://git.thm.de/njss90/move.git
sbt ";compile;run"
==== Notes If the javafx style manager says that he couldn't load a font (see example below) make sure the full project path doesn't contain a space. (The font loader can't handle urls containing a space.) This error only occurs when running from sbt and doesn't effect assembled jar files.
== License (C) 2016 Nicola Justus.
MoVE is distributed under the terms of the https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/[Mozilla Public License Version 2.0]. See https://github.com/THM-MoTE/MoVE/blob/master/LICENSE[LICENSE] file for copying permission.