THU-DSP-LAB / ventus-gpgpu-verilog

GPGPU supporting RISCV-V, developed with verilog HDL
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Ventus GPGPU(Verilog Edition)

GPGPU processor supporting RISCV-V extension, developed with Verilog.

Copyright (c) 2023-2024 C*Core Technology Co.,Ltd,Suzhou.

这是“乘影”的Verilog版本,原版(Chisel HDL)链接在这里


目前乘影在硬件设计上还有很多不足,如果您有意愿参与到“乘影”的开发中,欢迎在github上pull request





Getting started



make run-vcs-4w4t

make verdi

Case Description

测试集 warp/thread数 是否通过 说明
vecadd 4w16t pass 向量加
4w8t pass
4w32t pass
8w4t pass
matadd 1w16t pass 矩阵加
2w8t pass
4w4t pass
nn 2w16t pass 最近邻内插法
4w8t pass
4w16t pass
8w4t pass
8w8t pass
gassian 1w16t pass 高斯消元
2w8t pass
4w4t pass
4w8t pass
bfs 2w16t pass 宽度优先搜索算法
4w8t pass
4w32t pass
8w4t pass


We refer to some open-source design when developing Ventus GPGPU.

Sub module Source Detail
CTA scheduler MIAOW Our CTA scheduler module is based on MiaoW ultra-threads dispatcher
L2Cache block-inclusivecache-sifive Our L2Cache design is inspired by Sifive's block-inclusivecache
FPU XiangShan We reused Array Multiplier in XiangShan. FPU design is also inspired by XiangShan
SFU openhwgroup Our SFU module is based on pulp-platform
Config, ... rocket-chip Some modules are sourced from RocketChip