THU-VCLab / Part-Guided-3D-RL-for-Sim2Real-Articulated-Object-Manipulation

Implementation of the RA-L2023 paper: Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation
MIT License
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Problem with rgbd data generation #1

Closed paolotron closed 5 months ago

paolotron commented 9 months ago

When I run the command for the rgbd dataset generation

python arti_mani/algorithms/data_process/ 

it returns the error

gym.error.UnregisteredEnv: No registered env with id: CabinetDoor-v0

It makes sense as no gym environments were previously registered, could you explain how to use the script?

xspkwy commented 9 months ago

Acually I register the envs in @register_gym_env("CabinetDoor-v0", max_episode_steps=200), similar with other envs (CabinetDrawer-v0, Faucet-v0). So you can try to add from arti_mani.envs.floating_robotiqenv from * in Also, I will reimplent the project these days, and can check the problems then.