THU-VCLab / Part-Guided-3D-RL-for-Sim2Real-Articulated-Object-Manipulation

Implementation of the RA-L2023 paper: Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation
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Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation RA-L 2023
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Official code of paper Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation

This project contains the implementation of our RA-L 2023 paper.

About This Repo

The total framework consists of 3 parts: Part Segmentation, 3D Points Sampling, RL Policy Training & Evaluation.


This code has been tested on Ubuntu20.04 with Cuda 11.3, Python3.8 and Pytorch 1.11.0. Environment: create a conda environment according to arti_mani/docker/arti_mani.yaml file (All requirements are specified in arti_mani.yaml).

cd arti_mani/docker
conda env create -f arti_mani.yaml 

Partnet Mobility Dataset: downloading from

Training and Evaluation in Simulation

Part Segmentation

# Data collection 
# Models (finally we used SplitUnet) 
# Training and evaluation
# configs

Date Collection: To get great evaluation results in simulation, domain_random and random_bg_mode could be set False, but they need to be set True if you want to get quite good results on real data. Segmentation Model: We then built our model SplitUnet which is based on segmentation-models-pytorch. We decompose RGB and Depth feature processing in our encoders.

Training: We build our SegDataset in arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/, in which we added some data augmentation (e.g. Flip, RandomCrop, ColorJitter, GaussianNoise, etc.), which are mostly implemented using albumentations. After that, we train the model in arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/ More training details can be referred to smp_model.yaml and

Evaluation: Performance is tested on validation data using arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/, and is also tested with new data collected from simulation environment by arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/

Synthetic Dataset: You can run arti_mani/algorithms/data_process/ to generate the synthetic dataset, or directly download the dataset from Synthetic Dataset.

Checkpoints You can directly use the checkpoints under arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/log/smp_model/20230219_000940_train52-val18_384_noDR_randombg_aug_stereo_bs16_focalloss_0.5step50lr0.001_RGBDunet-163264128_mobilenet_v2. For further pretrained (maybe better for sim2real), you can download them from Checkpoints.

RL Policy Training & Evaluation

# Training
# Evaluation

Training: After training a good part segmentation model, you can then train the SAC policy:

cd arti_mani/algorithms/rl_iam/

You can change the mode in the script according your specified task (OpenDoor, OpenDrawer, TurnFaucet, HybridTask). The total 2M steps can be trained for about 7 hours in our i9-13900K and RTX 3090 setting.

Evaluation: we get success rate and mean steps according the evaluation code in arti_mani/algorithms/rl_iam/, and also get the rendered video and segmentation visualization results.

Real Experiments

Part Segmentation

We also collected about 200 real RGB-D images and annotated them using Labelme. You can download with We can evaluate the performance and visualize the uncertainty map by:

cd arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts
# you may need to change the REAL_DIR according to your real data dir. 
# visualize the uncertainty map, you also need to change the dir.

RL Policy Execution

After training the RL policy, we can execute it in real experiments. You need to install the ROS package of xmate3-pro, and use the JointImpedanceController.

cd arti_mani/test/real_exps
# you may need to change the REAL_DIR according to your real data dir. 

Other real codes:

cd arti_mani/test/real_exps
# replay the RL traj using ROS_ImpOpendoor
# sim2real traj replay
# real2sim traj replay

In the end, we modify the xmate ros controller and robotiq controller code: =>, which throw separate threads to control them simulataneously.


If you find this code useful for your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.

  title={Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation},
  author={Xie, Pengwei and Chen, Rui and Chen, Siang and Qin, Yuzhe and Xiang, Fanbo and Sun, Tianyu and Xu, Jing and Wang, Guijin and Su, Hao},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)}, 