THU-VCLab / Part-Guided-3D-RL-for-Sim2Real-Articulated-Object-Manipulation

Implementation of the RA-L2023 paper: Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation
MIT License
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How to install impedance_control? #5

Closed Charlie0257 closed 1 month ago

Charlie0257 commented 1 month ago

Hi, @xspkwy Thanks for your great work!

When I tried sim2real like your project, I didn't know how to install impedance_control shown in

from impedance_control.msg import (

Thanks for any help!

Best, Charlie

xspkwy commented 1 month ago

Well, our real experiments are implemented on a Xmate3 pro arm, and the related controller ros packages are provided by ROKAE Corp. You may use your own real robotic arm ros controller and replace the corresponding codes.

Charlie0257 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your advice:)