TIB-Lab / MouseX-Allen-Atlas

Sex matters: the MouseX DW-ALLEN Atlas and Parcellation for mice diffusion-weighted MR imaging
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Sex matters: the MouseX DW-ALLEN Atlas for mice diffusion-weighted MR imaging

Find the published paper here:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120573

NOTE: new updated version of the Annotations are available from February 2024 on, if you had previously downloaded the files, we welcome you to replace them by the new version

Overcoming sex bias in preclinical research needs not only including animals of both sexes, but also developing proper tools to handle such data. This repository provides a novel DW-MRI mouse brain template and annotation created with the publically available Allen Brain Atlas, and including both sexes: the MouseX DW-ALLEN Atlas.

MouseX Atlas generation


Here we first provide a high resolution template with three contrasts: relaxometry T2W, and diffusion-based FA and MD contrasts. MouseX Atlas Templates

For the T2W contrast, we provide templates created with 1) both sexes: find it in folder MouseX MouseX 2) one with only male subjects: find it in folder MouseX_male-only MouseX_male-only 3) one with only female: find it in folder MouseX_female-only MouseX_female-only


Then, we provide the MouseX DW-ALLEN annotation corresponding to Allen Mouse Brain Atlas region organziation, and the corresponding Labels document with region-number assignation, with a total of 62 regions, for each of the three templates (both sexes, male only and female only).

MouseX Atlas Annotations

Gray and white matter regions


For those experimenters needing to differentate each hemisphere, we provide the "MouseX-DW-ALLEN_AnnotationL-R", where We have maintained the right side with the original value, and the left side is now original value + 100.


Find it in folder MouseX