This repo contains the code and data for "VLM2Vec: Training Vision-Language Models for Massive Multimodal Embedding Tasks"
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This repo contains the code and data for VLM2Vec: Training Vision-Language Models for Massive Multimodal Embedding Tasks. In this paper, we aimed at building a unified multimodal embedding model for any tasks.



Our model is based on converting an existing well-trained VLM (Phi-3.5-V) into an embedding model. The basic idea is to add an [EOS] token in the end of the sequence, which will be used as the representation of the multimodal inputs.



Our model is being trained on MMEB-train and evaluated on MMEB-eval with contrastive learning. We only use in-batch negatives for training. Our best results were based on Lora training with batch size of 1024. We also have checkpoint with full training with batch size of 2048. Our results on 36 evaluation datasets are:

Train/Eval Data

VLM2Vec Checkpoints

Experimental Results

Our model can outperform the existing baselines by a huge margin.


How to use VLM2Vec

Please refer to demo as the minimum example.

How to train or evaluate VLM2Vec


Download the image file zip from huggingface

git lfs install
git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/TIGER-Lab/MMEB-train
cd MMEB-train
python unzip_file.py
cd ../

For GPUs with small memory, use GradCache to reduce memory usage, i.e. setting small values to --gc_q_chunk_size and --gc_p_chunk_size.

Use --lora --lora_r 16 to enable LoRA tuning.

torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port=22447 --max_restarts=0 train.py \
 --model_name microsoft/Phi-3.5-vision-instruct --bf16 --pooling eos \
 --dataset_name TIGER-Lab/MMEB-train \
 --subset_name ImageNet_1K N24News HatefulMemes InfographicsVQA ChartQA Visual7W VisDial CIRR NIGHTS WebQA MSCOCO \
 --num_sample_per_subset 50000 \
 --image_dir MMEB-train \
 --max_len 256 --num_crops 4 --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR --logging_steps 1 \
 --lr_scheduler_type linear --learning_rate 2e-5 --max_steps 2000 \
 --warmup_steps 200 --save_steps 1000 --normalize True \
 --temperature 0.02 --per_device_train_batch_size 8 \
 --grad_cache True --gc_q_chunk_size 2 --gc_p_chunk_size 2 


Download the image file zip from huggingface

wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/TIGER-Lab/MMEB-eval/resolve/main/images.zip
unzip images.zip -d eval_images/
  1. For full-finetuned models, we use

    python eval.py --model_name TIGER-Lab/VLM2Vec-Full \
    --encode_output_path outputs/ \
    --num_crops 4 --max_len 256 \
    --pooling eos --normalize True \
    --dataset_name TIGER-Lab/MMEB-eval \
    --subset_name N24News CIFAR-100 HatefulMemes VOC2007 SUN397 ImageNet-A ImageNet-R ObjectNet Country211 \
    --dataset_split test --per_device_eval_batch_size 16 \
    --image_dir eval_images/
  2. For LoRA-based models, we use

    python eval.py --lora --model_name microsoft/Phi-3.5-vision-instruct --checkpoint_path TIGER-Lab/VLM2Vec-LoRA \
    --encode_output_path outputs/ \
    --num_crops 4 --max_len 256 \
    --pooling eos --normalize True \
    --dataset_name TIGER-Lab/MMEB-eval \
    --subset_name N24News CIFAR-100 HatefulMemes VOC2007 SUN397 ImageNet-A ImageNet-R ObjectNet Country211 \
    --dataset_split test --per_device_eval_batch_size 16 \
    --image_dir eval_images/


  title={VLM2Vec: Training Vision-Language Models for Massive Multimodal Embedding Tasks},
  author={Jiang, Ziyan and Meng, Rui and Yang, Xinyi and Yavuz, Semih and Zhou, Yingbo and Chen, Wenhu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.05160},