TIS2017 / Nobelisti

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Installation for development

  1. Ensure you have installed docker and docker-compose

    $ docker --version
    Docker version 17.06.2-ce, build cec0b72
    $ docker-compose --version
    docker-compose version 1.16.1, build 6d1ac21
  2. Clone the project

    git clone git@github.com:TIS2017/Nobelisti.git
  3. Build and run the container as daemon

    docker-compose up --build -d
  4. Composer install & create database

    docker-compose exec php bash
    composer install
    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  5. Change permissions so symfony can save cache, logs & sessions.

    sudo chown :33 src/var -R
  6. Check the app at localhost:8080/app_dev.php.

  7. Stop the container politely

    docker-compose stop

Running in production

We have a separate docker-composer file for production, to install the production requirements run

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up --build -d

If you do not want to use docker in production, the minimal requirements for this applications are

Database client version: libmysql - 10.1.26-MariaDB
PHP version: 7.0

A CRON bundle was installed to help run CRON tasks in the production enviroment. To create a cron job, run:

docker-compose exec php bash
php bin/console cron:create

The following commands for sending emails are available:

Setting up CRON tasks has to be done manually, either using CRON externally or using the CRON package available here: https://github.com/Cron/Cron

The commands have to be executed from the bin folder.

To install and setup, just follow the provided instructions on the CRON github page.

Running the tests

docker-compose exec php php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

Running PHP-CS-Fixer

Run docker-compose run php ./csfix script before each commit!


$ docker-compose exec php bash
ERROR: No container found for php_1

You have to run docker-compose up -d in advance or run docker-compose up simultaneously in other terminal.

Unable to write in the cache directory (/var/www/symfony/var/cache/dev)

Do step 4 again.

  1. Connect to the virtual machine docker-compose exec php bash
  2. Run composer dumpautoload in the root directory
  3. Take a look at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44946911/symfony3-classnotfoundexception-after-bundle-creation

How to make migrations and migrate?

  1. Connect to the virtual machine docker-compose exec php bash
  2. Run php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
  3. Run php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

How to create superuser?

  1. Connect to the virtual machine docker-compose exec php bash
  2. php bin/console admin:create-superuser email@email.com password