TIY-Mobile-Winter-2016 / TIY-Course

The Iron Yard Salt Lake City Mobile Course Repository
7 stars 1 forks source link

The Iron Yard - Mobile Engineering (iOS)

Salt Lake City - 2016

Important Please read our code school Manifesto

About your instructor

Phil Wright
Slack (preferred contact method)
phil@theironyard.com (Ok contact method)
(801) 361-7960 (text if you have to, call with emergencies)

Hello everyone! I'm excited to get started with class and I hope you are too. Over the next 12 weeks we will cover Swift, Objective-C, the iOS SDK, and a bunch of other concepts too numerous to name. We will also tackle problems and challenges that software engineers face everyday around the world. This is all to get you to begin to think like an engineer. It will be difficult, but I hope also a lot of fun. By the end of this course you all should be able to build iOS applications for both yourself and your future clients/employers.

I encourage you all to push towards releasing at least one app in the App Store. There really is nothing more satisfying than having an app that is publicly available and something you can point to as an execution of your vision and hard work.

Slack - TIY-SaltLakeCity

If you haven't been invited to our Slack channel let me know.

The Iron Yard Slack Group


First, you need to sign up for a free Github account, find the class project and "star" it (more on "starring" and notifications).

Once you do, I'll invite you to a group for our class, so watch for an email from Github!

Next, get acquainted by poking around a bit, paying special attention to the class wiki.

There's some important information there about how to turn in assignments and how I'll grade them. Afterward, get started on Developers Awaken, due the first day of class.

You will notice a series of folders with numbers in their titles in the repo. This is where all homework assignments, notes, the day's agenda, etc. will be posted. We will have one folder for each lecture day. Some will contain actual Xcode projects while others will be just some source code and/or tips/hints used to solve the problem at hand.

Throughout the course, you'll open, close, and contribute to Issues and Pull Requests (more about "issues" on Github). By the end, you'll all be Github experts!

Feel free to reach out to me on Slack (what's that?) once the class starts with any questions you may have. You will also use Slack to converse and get help from your classmates. Don't worry, we'll get all that set up on the first day of class.

You're about to take the first step of many on the road to becoming a full fledged software engineer!


Task List

* [ ] Have Github username
* [ ] Looked at github repository TIY-Course/00- Developers Awaken