TKOaly / baseball-bat

Debt Management Service
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Baseball bat is a web platform with the aim of reducing our organization's treasurer's workload by automating different parts of the event fee billing process. In the future the platform will hopefully enable online payments via Stripe and make collaboration between the treasurer, assisting treasurer and the event organizers easier.



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Development Environment

"Standalone" Installation

This service depends on the following other TKO-äly services, so go and setup those first:

To set up the development environment do the following:

Common TKO-äly Development Environment

Better way to setup the service is by using the tko-aly.localhost repository which includes all the required services, completely containerized, and a Traefik installation which routes all the services to domains under .tko-aly.localhost.


Design Scenario

The data model is designed to be able to handle the following scenario:

There are four main things that make this scenario difficult to handle correctly:

