TLAMHutto / ollamaChat

MIT License
24 stars 3 forks source link

Ollama Chat Application This is a simple chat application built using PyQt6 and Tkinter that integrates with the Ollama model server. It also offers a UI tool to utilize OCR for text extraction by dragging a selection box and having OCR analyze the screenshot. Additionally, it features note-saving functionality. You can use the app either by cloning, downloading the zip, or by downloading the .exe

Chat Application Interface Chat Application Interface Chat Application Interface Chat Application Interface Chat Application Interface

Installation 1. Download the Zip or Clone: - Navigate to the root directory and run py Install dependencies as needed.

  1. To Use the OCR Tool:

    • First, install Google's Tesseract OCR model here.

    • This app uses pytesseract; more info can be found here.

    • Set up your system's environmental variables as necessary.

    • By default, the software is installed in C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe if you're running Windows.

    • Install the languages you want supported for detection from

    • When using the OCR, every screenshot you process is automatically injected into the chat. This works great for translating using your Ollama model. Hit clear to prevent the OCR text from being injected.

    • When detecting languages, initially it will take several seconds depending on how many languages you have loaded. Once language is detected change the drop down menu to the language your will be using the OCR on for faster recognition.

  2. Starting the Ollama Server:

    • This app automatically runs a script to start the Ollama server upon starting the app. You can change this in the

New Features

OCR Language Detection and Translation

System Monitoring


Currently, I don't have an updated .exe for this due to the OCR binary complications. The .exe available in the release works; it just lacks newer updated functionalities such as OCR and notes. Also for now this is only meant for Windows