TOSIT-IO / tdp-collection-prerequisites

Ansible collection with TDP prerequisites
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Ansible TDP Collection Prerequisites

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The topology.ini file includes Ansible groups to work with playbooks inside this collection which can be added to your Ansible inventory configuration.


ansible-playbook playbooks/all.yml

This playbook deploys the following services: Chrony, a CA, a LDAP, a KDC, a PostgreSQL.

HTTP proxy configuration

You can configure HTTP proxy with Ansible variables:

System configuration

Populate /etc/hosts file for [all] Ansible hosts. You need to specify the IP used with the ip Ansible variable for each host, same for the domain.

Configure yum/dnf global http proxy and install needed yum/dnf packages.

Configure JAVA_HOME variable inside /etc/environment.

Disable firewalld.

Install needed Python packages with pip3 for PySpark.

ansible-playbook playbooks/system.yml

Chrony (NTP)

Configure Chrony as NTP client.

ansible-playbook playbooks/chrony.yml

You can configure NTP servers with ntp_servers Ansible variable.

Certificate Authority and Certificates

Creates a certificate authority at the [ca_host] Ansible group and distributes signed certificates and keys to each VM.

ansible-playbook playbooks/certificates.yml

_The certificates will also be downloaded to the roles/certificates/files/tdp_getting_started_certs local project folder._

LDAP and Kerberos

Launches a LDAP server and KDC on the [kdc] group hosts. Launches a kdcproxy on the [kdcproxy] group hosts.

On each host installs Kerberos clients and enable SSSD LDAP authentification.

Create ldap_groups and ldap_users specified. For each users, a Kerberos principal is created and a keytab is generated in /home/<username>/<username>.keytab on the[users_keytab] group hosts.

You can configure ticket renewal lifetime:

Note that some tools may malfunction if kerberos_renew_lifetime > kerberos_max_renewable_life.

ansible-playbook playbooks/ldap_kerberos.yml

_After this, you can log in as the Kerberos admin from any VM with the command kinit admin/admin and the password admin123. When using a user unix account on [users_keytab] group hosts, you can log in with kinit -ki which will use the keytab inside the home directory._

A krb5 configuration file, parametrized for HTTPS can be found at /etc/krb5-https.conf on every hosts. To authenticate through https and see logs:

env KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout KRB5_CONFIG=/etc/krb5-https.conf kinit <your_user>


Launches a PostgreSQL server on the [postgresql] group hosts.

Public repository

By default, PostgreSQL PGDG public repositories are configured, you can disable it with postgresql_use_public_repo: no and configure your own mirror for these repositories.

Server configuration

You can configure listen adresses, port and password encryption with postgresql_listen_addresses, postgresql_port, and postgresql_password_encryption.

Other settings can be set with postgresql_additional_settings.

Generated settings, users, databases, schemas and pg_hba entries

Needed settings, users, databases, schemas and pg_hba entries are automatically created by reading Ansible groups. You can disable it by setting an empty array or your custom needs with these variables:

If you want to add your custom needs on top of generated ones use these variables:

See roles/postgresql/defaults/main.yml.

The Ansible groups read are:

You can configure default values for user, password and database with:

For pg_hba entries, the address can be specified and default to all, Ansible will read the hostvars ip to get it. You can configure the hostvars key read with postgresql_generated_hba_address_hostvars_key.

With inventory example below, 2 pg_hba entries will be generated and fill with ip value.

master-02 ip=
master-03 ip=


pg_hba.conf generated:

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
host    hive            hive          md5
host    hive            hive          md5

If you have a custom variable for the address, you can set it with postgresql_generated_hba_address_hostvars_key: ip_data with inventory example below.

master-02 ip= ip_data=
master-03 ip= ip_data=


pg_hba.conf generated:

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
host    hive            hive           md5
host    hive            hive           md5