TQsoft-GmbH / mod_authn_ntlm

Apache 2.4 SSPI NTLM based authentication module for windows
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Apache 2.4 SSPI NTLM based authentication module for windows

Inspired by mod_auth_sspi project from Tim Castello tjcostel@users.sourceforge.net

Using the module from Tim worked only on Apache versions < 2.4.

In addition to that if you mistype your credentials the Apache responded with a "incorrect credentials messages" and you need to close the browser to retry. If you used a Internet Explorer in the wrong domain a login would fail as well.

This version works on Apache 2.4 using NTLM authentication and asks for correct credentials for 3 times.

We needed that for our own and as many in the net were asking for a working version for Apache 2.4 we decided to share this project to the community.


Add the following line to your server config file:

LoadModule auth_ntlm_module modules/mod_authn_ntlm.so


You need to activate the following module (ldap_module) as well. Normally it is in your server config file, so just uncomment it:

LoadModule ldap_module modules/mod_ldap.so

If you want to add the authenticated user to your http header, load the following module as well and see below the sample config:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

Sample Config

# make sure the header is only written in the auth location
RequestHeader unset X_ISRW_PROXY_AUTH_USER
<Location /authenticate >
    #AllowOverride None
    AuthName "Private location"
    AuthType SSPI
    NTLMAuth On
    NTLMAuthoritative On
            Require valid-user
            #require sspi-user EMEA\group_name
            Require user "ANONYMOUS LOGON"
    # use this to add the authenticated username to you header
    # so any backend system can fetch the current user
    # rewrite_module needs to be loaded then
    # while X_ISRW_PROXY_AUTH_USER is your header name
    RequestHeader set X_ISRW_PROXY_AUTH_USER expr=%{REMOTE_USER}

List of available parameters


if you want to set "NTLMDomain" or "NTLMDefaultDomain", please set both
"NTLMOfferBasic" and "NTLMBasicPreferred" to "on". this is because
we can't modify NTLMv2 response, we have to let user send clear text
username and password, then ntlm module will use username and password
to generate NTLM context, and do the authentication.

Configure several groups

If you want to add more then one group then use the following syntax, so the module can process them correctly.

    require sspi-group "DOMAIN\GROUP2" "DOMAIN\GROUP1"

Configure server to allow local ntlm authentication

If you set apache to listen to a FQDN you might not be able to authenticate against the site if you are open this site on the server itself.

You can read about the cause and the workaround here:


I did test method 1 and added the FQDN domain in the registry, after ntlm authentication works on the local server.

Build instructions

cmake options:

examples for Visual Studio:

cd mod_auth_ntlm

cmake -B ./build-x64 -S ./ -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -T host=x64 -DAPACHE_ROOT="C:\Program Files\Apache24"

cmake --build ./build-x64 --config Release

cmake --build ./build-x64 --config Debug

static runtimes

cmake -B ./build-s-x64 -S ./ -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -T host=x64 -DAPACHE_ROOT="C:\Program Files\Apache24" -DUSE_STATIC_RUNTIME=ON

cmake --build ./build-s-x64 --config Release

cmake --build ./build-s-x64 --config Debug

install mod_auth_ntlm.so to module path

cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=Release -P ./build-x64/cmake_install.cmake

Example Generators

Note: if no arch is specified it compiles for x86 aka Win32 For a full list see "cmake --help"