HMSS2: a tool for the identification of sulfur metabolism-related genes and analysis of operon structures in genome and metagenome assemblies. The tool searches fasta files for sulfur metabolism associated proteins using hidden markov models and defined threshold scores. Furthermore, the genes of the detected proteins are analyzed for their position in the genome. The detected gene clusters are then named with a keyword if it is a known pattern of a gene cluster. HMSS2 can also be extended with other compatible HMMs.
You can install HMSS2 by downloading it directly from GitHub in compiled or non-compiled form.
Download the latest release from github
In a terminal, 'cd' to the downloaded package
Extract the files
Test you can run by './HMSS2/HMSSS -h' for the precompiled version or 'python HMSS2/ -h' for the uncompiled version
Installation of required external programs HMSS2 depends on:
5.1 Prodigal or sudo apt-get install -y prodigal
for translation of nucleotide fasta
5.2 HMMER3 or sudo apt-get install -y hmmer
for the detection and annotation
5.3 pip install biopython
if you are using the uncompiled version
That's it! You can now run HMSS2 on a directory of protein sequence fasta files with gff files or nucleotide fasta files
To run HMSS2 on your own data type in the command line:
./HMSSS -f Directory
If an already existing database is to be extended, this can be specified by means of the -db
./HMSSS -f Directory -db /path/to/Database.db
Replace "Directory" with the directory containing your input fasta files, with one file per species. The names of the files should match the identifiers of the genomes, since the name of the files will later be used for identification. When using protein fasta files with gff files, the names of the related files should be the same except for the file extension. File names will be used as genome identifiers. HMSS2 will look for input fasta files with any of the following filename extensions:
In case of any present file with .fna extension HMSS2 will try to transcripe to protein fasta via prodigal. Annotation and gene cluster prediction is then automatically performed.
If protein fasta files and corresponding .gff files are provided the transcription via prodigal is skipped. the headings up to the first blank are used to identify the protein sequence. In the following example of a protein fasta file generated by prodigal, this would be the identifier NZ_CABKUE010000001.1_1
>NZ_CABKUE010000001.1_1 # 3 # 320 # -1 # ID=1_1;partial=10;start_type=ATG;rbs_motif=AGGAGG;rbs_spacer=5-10bp;gc_cont=0.553
The .gff file should have the same gff3 format as generated by prodigal and used by NCBI. In this format, the genome identifier is given in the ninth column with ID=cds-[...];
and separated from other attributes by the ;
character. The first column indicates the contig on which the gene is localised. In the following example of a gff file generated by prodigal this would be 1_1
NZ_CABKUE010000001.1 Prodigal_v2.6.3 CDS 3 320 60.2 - 0 ID=1_1;partial=10;start_type=ATG;rbs_motif=AGGAGG;rbs_spacer=5-10bp;gc_cont=0.553;conf=100.00;score=60.24;cscore=37.26;sscore=22.98;rscore=15.37;uscore=3.41;tscore=3.01;
Since the identifiers of prodigal itself in protein sequence fasta file and .gff3 file do not match by default it may be necessary to adjust them. If prodigal is used via HMSS2 this is done automatically after the translation by prodigal. An example is shown below
NZ_CABKUE010000001.1 Prodigal_v2.6.3 CDS 3 320 60.2 - 0 ID=NZ_CABKUE010000001.1_1;
If the line end after the identifier no ;
character may be required.
Protein sequences detected by the hidden Markov Models can be retrieved with -fd
followed by the names of the desired proteins. All proteins of a named gene cluster can be retrieved with the -fk
command followed by the keywords of the desired gene cluster(s). Both commands combined retrieves all sequences matching both, the given keyword(s) and the given domain(s). All these option require the -db
command to specify the local database.
If sequences of one or more proteins are to be output from the local database, the options -db
and -fd
are required. By default, the local database is located in the results folder of HMSS2. In addition, the corresponding path is also output during the initial search in the terminal. The desired protein types are written after the -fd option separated by blanks. the names can also be incomplete. An input of Dsr would therefore output all proteins that have Dsr in their designation (oxDsrA, redDsrA, oxDsrB ...).
./HMSSS -db /path/to/database.db -fd protein_1 protein_2 protein_3
Analogously, all proteins sequences of a certain named gene cluster type can be output. This is specified via -fk
./HMSSS -db /path/to/database.db -fk cluster_type1 cluster_type2
The results each search are stored in the local database located at scripts/results in separate project folders. For each search, the respective storage location of the HMSS2 database is output in the terminal. Output from a datebase specified by the -db
option is made on request via the -fd
or -fk
option can be used for this (see also command options). Each request generates a new folder with a unique timestamp that includes all generated files:
report.txt is a tab separated file with a summary of the metadata of the output sequences. Columns of this file report the proteinID, domains, domains scores, domain coordinates in the proteins sequence, as well as the contig, gene stat and end, strand and locustag. If a genecluster is present the keyword , completeness of the gene pattern and collinearity is also added to this list. The columns of this file described the following data:
proteinID get_domains domain_scores domain_coordinates gene_contig gene_start gene_end gene_strand gene_locustag keyword completeness csb taxonomy_lineage
RS_GCF_000025485 RS_GCF_000025485-NC_013851.1_1249 oxDsrC 173 3:112 NC_013851.1 1443433 1443771 + RS_GCF_000025485_9 oxDsr,oxDsrMK 1.0,1.0 0,1 RS_GCF_000025485_Bacteria__Proteobacteria_Gammaproteobacteria_Chromatiales_Chromatiaceae_Allochromatium_Allochromatium-vinosum
protein_type.faa is a FASTA formatted file with all sequences of a specific protein type.
protein_type_singleton.faa is FASTA formatted file with all sequences of the protein type that only occured once per genome and therefore have no paralogous sequence
protein_type_doublicate.faa is FASTA formatted file with all sequences of the protein type that occured at least twice per genome and therefore have paralogous sequences
keywords_(keyword).faa is FASTA formatted file with all sequences of a protein type occuring in a gene cluster with a defined keyword
absolute_count is a tab separated file with the number of genomes in a taxonomic lineage encoding for each protein type/keyword that was requested in the query
relative_count is a tab separated file with the percentage of genomes in a taxonomic lineage encoding for each protein type/keyword that was requested in the query
iTol_binary_dataset.txt is a iTol binary dataset file with the presence/absence matrix for each protein/keyword requested. The genome identifier and the taxonomic information is used as identifier for each line in the dataset.
iTol_taxon_domain_dataset.txt is a iTol domain dataset file with the that is only generated when the -add_genomic_context
option is used on an already existing FASTA file. The genome identifier and the taxonomic information is used as identifier for each line in the dataset. The dataset represents the genomic vicinity of each protein in the original FASTA file.
faa.taxonomy is a fasta formatted file that is only generated when the -add_taxonomy
option is used on an already existing FASTA file. The the identifiers for each sequence in the file is exchanged to the taxonomic lineage, matching the same identifiers as in the iTol dataset files.
gene_vicinity is a tab separated file that is only generated when the -add_genomic_context
option is used on an already existing FASTA file. For each protein in the file the adjacent genes are listed in the resulting file. As more than one copy per protein type may occur the list is indexed in relation to the originally selected protein. Thus, the index 0 corresponds to the protein from the FASTA file.
Index ProteinID Domain(s) Hit_score hit_align contig start end strand Superkingdom Clade Phylum Class Ordnung Family Genus Species
0 RS_GCF_900102855-NZ_FMWD01000005.1_179 oxDsrC 152 0:112 NZ_FMWD01000005.1 203348 203686 + Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Thiohalomonadales Thiohalomonadaceae Thiohalomonas Thiohalomonas denitrificans
1 RS_GCF_900102855-NZ_FMWD01000005.1_183 oxDsrA 779 0:416 NZ_FMWD01000005.1 206250 207503 + Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Thiohalomonadales Thiohalomonadaceae Thiohalomonas Thiohalomonas denitrificans
2 RS_GCF_900102855-NZ_FMWD01000005.1_184 oxDsrB 732 2:356 NZ_FMWD01000005.1 207590 208660 + Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Thiohalomonadales Thiohalomonadaceae Thiohalomonas Thiohalomonas denitrificans
3 RS_GCF_900102855-NZ_FMWD01000005.1_185 DsrE 246 0:130 NZ_FMWD01000005.1 208695 209087 + Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Thiohalomonadales Thiohalomonadaceae Thiohalomonas Thiohalomonas denitrificans
4 RS_GCF_900102855-NZ_FMWD01000005.1_186 DsrF 201 3:122 NZ_FMWD01000005.1 209120 209488 + Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Thiohalomonadales Thiohalomonadaceae Thiohalomonas Thiohalomonas denitrificans
5 RS_GCF_900102855-NZ_FMWD01000005.1_187 DsrH 156 0:99 NZ_FMWD01000005.1 209503 209802 + Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Thiohalomonadales Thiohalomonadaceae Thiohalomonas Thiohalomonas denitrificans
6 RS_GCF_900102855-NZ_FMWD01000005.1_188 oxDsrC 173 2:111 NZ_FMWD01000005.1 209848 210183 + Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Thiohalomonadales Thiohalomonadaceae Thiohalomonas Thiohalomonas denitrificans
7 RS_GCF_900102855-NZ_FMWD01000005.1_189 oxDsrM 417 3:240 NZ_FMWD01000005.1 210250 210975 + Bacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Thiohalomonadales Thiohalomonadaceae Thiohalomonas Thiohalomonas denitrificans
HMSSS also comes with several options which are scribed in the help accessed by -h
These options allow you to change the hidden Markov models used and set up custom libraries, thresholds, and reference gene clusters. By default these are set to the HMSS2 library and thresholds.
sets the HMM library. By default this is set to the library in the source folder which includes the sulfur related HMMs. However this library can either be extended by or changed to any other HMM library compatible with the HMMER3 package.
sets the threshold file. Specific threshold scores for each HMM in the library are located here in a tab separated file. Each name is assigned to threshold score. In case of extended libraries the threshold scores should be set here.
sets the syntenic gene patterns to be detected. All genes are listed in a tab separated file. Each line corresponds to one syntenic cluster. Collinearity is defined by the order of appearence. The first word in the line defines the name of the whole genecluster and is used as keyword. A gencluster can be given several different keywords, but not the same one more than once.
sets the number of CPUs to be used by HMMER
sets the number of nucleotides between two genes to be considered as syntenic. The distance is calculated between the closest ends of two genes.
sets the minimal fraction of the gene cluster to be present to assign a keyword. if the match between the defined gene cluster pattern and the examined gene cluster is greater than this threshold, the corresponding keyword is given to the gene cluster.
Restarts the pipeline at a specific point. This options allow to reanalyze, extend and reannotate genomes already present in a specified database. Without these options extending databases is possible, altough all genomes that have been processed before and are present in the local database will not be altered.
start at the collinear synthenic block prediction. This will only include data already stored in the database
start at the synthenic block naming. This function restarts the comparison of gene clusters in the database with the entered gene cluster naming patterns. Old naming patterns are not overwritten.
FASTA files wihich have already been searched and have an entry in the database will not be ignored but searched again.
make the taxonomic assignment again.
Results are stored in a local database which can be accessed to retrieve different results of interest. The local database can also be extended by later searched. If not defined before the search HMSS2 will create a new local database for each run.
sets the directory for all results to be stored.-db
sets the database to be created/extended or from which results should be retrieved-gtdb
sets the path to a metadata file from the GTDB. This is required if it is desired to use the taxonomic information from GTDB.The output from a database requires the -db
option to define the database from which the desired output is taken. As the output is normally a set of sequences from a certain protein, possibly with a defined genomic vicinity or from specified taxonomic group there are several options to limit the number of retrieved sequences. In the result directory for each attemptd to retreive sequences a new folder is created.
Limiting output to certain genomes:
sets the level of taxonomy. If output should be limit to a group of organisms sharing the same taxonomic group this option sets the level of taxonomy between superkingdom and species.-dlt
sets the name of the taxonomic group. Together with -dll
this defines the taxon for which results should be fetched-dlp
limits retrieved results to organisms which encode for the specified protein-dlk
limits retrieved results to organisms which encode for a genecluster with the specified keywordSequences for proteins can be retrieved and written to fasta files with the following commands. The -fd
and -fk
options will also automatically generate iTol datasets and presence/absences matrices, identical to the dataset generating options:
& -ft
retrieve all sequences from all organisms of this taxon.-fl
specifies taxonomic hirarchy level,-ft
specifies the name of the taxon-fd
fetch sequences for proteins with the given domain. If several domains are desired these should be separated by whitespace characters. These will be handeled as connected by an logical OR, which means any protein matching one of the given domains will be retrieved.-fk
fetch sequences for proteins from geneclusters with the given keyword. If several keywords are desired these should be separated by whitespace characters. The connection between the keywords can be set to AND or OR by the -kc
option. With AND proteins from geneclusters matching all given keywords will be fetched. Otherwise proteins from geneclusters matching any of the given keyword are retrieved. -fd
& -fk
in combination retrieves all sequences matching both, the given keyword(s) and the given domain(s).Files always contain only one type of protein sequences. The output includes several files with reports of the written sequences and some subsets for proteins. Each file starts with a short summary of the given command, followed by the name of the protein whose sequences were written to the file. Proteins which have more than one domain previously detected by HMSSS are separately written to files and names by the all detected domains. Furthermore two subsets are prepared:
Information about the presence of given proteins and/or keywords in a taxon or species can be retrieved and written to tab separated files. This also includes iTol dataset compatible files but sequences will not be retrieved:
retrieve presence/absence in the genome for given protein-dfk
retrieve presence/absence in the genome for given keyword-dff
retrieve presence/absence in the genome for given proteins with two or more domains in a genome-dfpk
retrieve presence/absence in the genome for given protein inside a gene cluster with the given keyword(s)-dmc
minimum similarity between pattern and gene cluster to be considered present-dcb
retrieve presence/absence in the genome for given keywordThe output contains the number for the presence of the desired proteine/keywords at each taxonomy level in absolute and relative values, each normalized to the number of genomes in the given taxonomy level. An iTol binary dataset is also output, with the specified names consisting of the genome identifiers and the taxonomic line
Protein sequences are written to files with identifiers retrieved from the local database. These FASTA formatted files can be directly used or are the basis for further file generation. HMSS2 comes with further tools to create additional files based on the initial output:
Merges one or more files with .faa extension into a single file without doublicates. As argument specific files or a whole directory is taken-filter_fasta
filters sequences of a given FASTA file by length. Length is specified by -filter_limits-filter_limits
sets the minimal and maximal sequence length-concat_alignment
concats sequences stored in multiple files from the same genome into one concatenated sequence. Can also be used for unaligned sequences-add_taxonomy
creates a new file with the organism lineage information, retrieved from the database. Requires -db
option with database location.-add_genomic_context
writes a list with the genomic context for each sequence.-create_gene_cluster_dataset
creates a iTol dataset with the genomic context of each given sequence. Headers in the new file will match the headers generated by the -add_taxonomy
creates a iTol dataset with the proteins colored by type. Headers in the new file will match the headers generated by the -add_taxonomy
commandThe gene patterns, HMM library and the cutoff score file can be found in the the src directory. New Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) can be generated by hmmbuild function from the HMMER3 package. In this case score cutoff have to be adjusted manually. Alternatively predefined HMMs can be downloaded from databases like pfam or TIGERFAM and added to a library by simply concating the files of each HMM. Cutoff scores are commonly available on the corresponding website. The cutoff scores are listed in the Thresholds file. This file is a four column tab separated file. First column includes the name of the HMM, followed by the standard cutoff score, the noise cutoff and the trusted cutoff. The noise cutoff corresponds to the score of the most dissimilar sequence, therefore the true positive with the lowest score. Using this score results in a very sensitive but unprecise detection. In contrast the trusted cutoff corresponds to the score of the true positive sequence before a false positive hit occurs. Using this score results in a precise but insensitive detection. The standard cutoff is the cutoff score with the best tradeoff between sensitivity and precision. The Threshold file can be appended by new lines in the same format, if custom HMMs are requested:
AprM 40 338.2 35.2
AsrA 237 328.8 162.2
New_HMM 218 220 58.1
To run HMSS2 with additional custom HMMs or HMMs from public databases concat all desired HMMs into a single library file and define this library by the -l
command. The score thresholds of all HMMs have to be written in a single tab separated file. The threshold file can be set by the -t
command followed by the path to the corresponding threshold file.
The all gene cluster patterns to be recognized have to be stored in a tab separated file. First columns defines the keyword, which is assigned to gene clusters matching the pattern. The following columns define the names of the HMMs to be present in a gene cluster to be recognized. All columns have to be tab separated. Keywords are not required to be unique and the same keyword can match differend patterns:
Sox SoxX SoxY SoxZ SoxA SoxB SoxC SoxD
oxDsr oxDsrA oxDsrB oxDsrC DsrE DsrF DsrH
sHdr sHdrC1 sHdrB1 sHdrA sHdrH sHdrC2 sHdrB2
sHdr sHdrC1 sHdrB1 sHdrA sHdrH sEtfA sEtfB
The path to a custom gene cluster patterns file can be set with the -p
command followed by the corresponding path.
Taxonomic assignments from the GTDB taxonomy can be performed via the -gtdb
command, specifiying the respective tab separated file.
Alternativly, a custom tab separated file including the following column headers can be used with the -cutax
genomeID superkingdom clade phylum class order family genus species strain taxid biosample bioproject genbank refseq completeness contamination typestrain
With the exception of the first column, not all columns must contain values. The type strain column must contain either the value 0 or 1 to be evaluable. The Contamination and Completeness columns should contain values between 0 and 100.