TU-ADSP / Blockchain-Logging-Framework

This framework provides advanced querying and logging capabilities for Ethereum and Hyperledger blockchains.
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Blockchain Logging Framework

Github Java CI with Maven


Please visit the javadoc documentation for more information.

This framework provides advanced logging capabilities for Ethereum applications on top of Web3J / Ethereum's JSON RPC. It consists of four components:

Screenshot 2021-06-21 at 13 02 09

Example bcql documents include

Code demonstrating the use of the component scan be found here


Details of the framework are described in more detail in the following publication:

C. Klinkmüller, A. Ponomarev, A.B. Tran, I. Weber, W. van der Aalst (2019): "Mining Blockchain Processes: Extracting Process Mining Data from Blockchain Applications". In: 17th International Conference on Business Process Management (Blockchain Forum).

C. Klinkmüller, I. Weber, A. Ponomarev, A.B. Tran, W. van der Aalst (2020): Efficient Logging for Blockchain Applications. arXiv:2001.10281.

Short video demonstration



  1. Ensure Java 11 or higher is installed locally and the env var JAVA_HOME is properly set. AdoptOpenJDK provides binaries and installation guides for various operating systems.

  2. Install Apache Maven. Distribution archive and installation guidelines are available at maven.apache.org.

  3. To check whether Java and Maven have been set up correctly, run

    mvn --version
  4. To build the project, run

    cd Blockchain-Logging-Framework
    mvn clean verify
    • To not build the executable jar blf-cmd.jar, add the option
    • To skip testing, add the option

Now you're ready to develop!


To run unit tests, run

mvn test

Enable Git Hooks

 git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/
 chmod u+x .githooks/pre-commit


This software is released under the MIT Licence Agreement. Details can be found LICENSE.md. Moreover the third party components distributed with the software and their licenses are listed in NOTICE.md.