TU-Berlin-SNET / iosl-2015-osc-tracking

Tracking project for the Internet of Services Lab 2015 project "Open Service Compendium" (OSC)
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Internet of Services Lab - Open Service Compendium


This section deals with the frontend of the Open Service Compendium (OSC). We will use Bootstrap as a GUI framework, Yeoman as a generator ecosystem and AngularJS for controlling the whole web application.

Get the source code and install on your machine

  1. Install nodejs, npm and bower on your machine
  2. To get the repository, run git clone git@github.com:TU-Berlin-SNET/iosl-2015-osc-tracking.git
  3. Switch to the new frontend directory
  4. Run the command npm install to install all server packages, e.g. grunt
  5. Run the command bower install to install all frontend packages, e.g. angularjs
  6. You can run the server by typing grunt server
  7. Now you should be able to visit the web application on http://localhost:9000