TUM-Dev / gocast

TUMs lecture streaming service.
MIT License
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Not possible to view live streams, because there is not a link attached. #1241

Open ZeynepOzturk66 opened 7 months ago

ZeynepOzturk66 commented 7 months ago

Live function doesnt work. I wrote: https://live.rbg.tum.de and loged in. Than I tried to click the Link to my live lecture (and because this didn't work, I also tried other lectures). I now could see all of the previous lectures, but not the live one.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-20 um 14 02 26

When I got back to my home page, I can click to one where it

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-20 um 14 03 19

works.: Naive Baits is the only one where I can click and I get to the live lecture.

YiranDuan721 commented 7 months ago

Moin Zeynep, in order for this issue to be more accurately understood, I've edited the title and deleted the content of the first comment (which was just a bug report template), I hope this won't cause you too many problems.

Could you please provide the following information, so that further examinations and debugging can be carried out:

  1. The operating system you were using when the problem occurred
  2. The browser you were using when the problem occurred
  3. If it's convenient: The version of the operating system, and the browser

Thank you!