TUM-Dev / gocast

TUMs lecture streaming service.
MIT License
186 stars 42 forks source link
education hacktoberfest live-streaming video-streaming


volkswagen status Better Uptime Badge

TUMs lecture streaming service, currently serving up to 100 courses every semester with up to 2000 active students.

Features include:


                              ┌───────────►   Campus Management  │
                              │           │ System (CAMPUSOnline)│
               ┌──────────┐   │Enrollments└──────────────────────┘
               │Identity  │   │
               │Management│   │                 - Users,
               │  - SAML  ◄─┐ │                 - Courses,
               │  - LDAP  │ │ │                 - Streams, ...                               ┌────────────────────┐
               └──────────┘ │ │              ┌──────────┐                                    │Lecture Hall        │
                      Users │ │  ┌──────────►│ Database │                                    │ - Streaming Device │
                            │ │  │           └──────────┘                               ┌────┤ - Camera           │
                            │ │  │                                                      │    │ - Slides (HDMI)    │
                         ┌──┴─┴──┴────┐         Task Distribution (gRPC)            RTSP│    │ - Microphone       │
            ┌────────────►  TUM-Live  │◄─────────────────────────────────────┐      pull│    └────────────────────┘
            │Website     └────────────┘                                      │          │
            │(HTTP)                                                          ▼          │
            │                                                             ┌─────────────▼─────┬─┐
            │                               ┌────────────────┐            │TUM-Live-Worker #1 │ │ Streaming,
┌───────────┴──┐                            │ Shared Storage │            ├───────────────────┘ │ Converting,
│Student/Viewer│                            │ S3, Ceph, etc. │            │  TUM-Live-Worker #n │ Transcribing, ...
└───────────┬──┘                            └─▲────▲─────────┘            └──────┬──▲────▲──────┘
            │                        Serve Vod│    │HLS Files            Push VoD│  │    │RTMP
            │                          Content│    │         ┌───────────┐ (HTTP)│  │    │push
            │                                 │    └─────────┤VoD Service◄───────┘  │    │       ┌──────────────┐
            │Videos      ┌──────────────────┬─┴┐             └───────────┘          │    └───────┤Selfstreamer  │
            │(HLS, HTTP) │ TUM-Live Edge #1 │  │                                    │            │  - OBS,      │
            └────────────►──────────────────┘  ├────────────────────────────────────┘            │  - Zoom, ... │
                         │   TUM-Live Edge #n  │       Proxy, Cache (HTTP)                       └──────────────┘

Getting Started

The easiest way of running and testing TUM-Live is by using the provided docker-compose file:

docker compose build && docker compose up

Be advised that the compose file is not indented for production use as it runs everything on one machine.

If you want to get TUM-Live running natively follow these steps:

Setup Database

Install go

Enable pre-commit hooks

Now the hook scripts will be triggered for every new commit, which should improve overall code quality. You can also run the pre-commit hooks manually for all files by executing pre-commit run --all-files. If you get the error message The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported., try running the following command

git config --global url."https://github.com/".insteadOf git://github.com/

See this blogpost for more information on this error message.

Linting and formatting typescript files

The following scripts are provided:

If you use GoLand, you can use follow this guide to integrate prettier. There is also a guide for integrating eslint. For both configs are provided that should be automatically detected. If you set everything up correctly, prettier and eslint should run everytime you save. Additionally, GoLands formatter will now respect the prettier style rules.

Add Database Models:

To create database models and their corresponding daos there is a helper script that can be used to automate this task:

go run cmd/modelGen/modelGen.go <NameOfYourModel(UpperCamelCase)>


An exemplary configuration can be found in /branding.

logo, favicon, manifest.json

For customization mount a directory containing the files in the docker container. Make sure to specify the location of the directory in the container in the configuration file as paths > branding. See /config.yaml for an exemplary configuration.

title, description

If intended, put a branding.yaml file at the same location as config.yaml.

Credit & Licenses