= Grabbit :docsDir: docs
image:https://travis-ci.org/TWCable/grabbit.svg?branch=master[title = "Build Status", link = "https://travis-ci.org/TWCable/grabbit"] image:https://badge.waffle.io/TWCable/grabbit.png?label=ready&title=Ready[title = "Stories in Ready", link = "https://waffle.io/TWCable/grabbit"]
image:https://api.bintray.com/packages/twcable/aem/Grabbit/images/download.svg[title = "Download", link = "https://bintray.com/twcable/aem/Grabbit/_latestVersion"]
== Project Purpose
The purpose of Grabbit is to provide a fast and reliable way of copying content from one Sling (specifically Adobe CQ/AEM) instance to another.
Existing solutions have been tried and found insufficient for very large data sets (GB-TB), especially over a network. CQ's .zip packages are extremely space inefficient, causing a lot of extra I/O. http://jackrabbit.apache.org/filevault/usage.html[`vlt rcp] and Mark Adamcin's http://adamcin.net/net.adamcin.recap/[
recap`] use essentially the same mechanism: WebDAV using XML, doing an HTTP handshake for every node and many sets of properties, which means that any latency whatsoever on the network hurts performance enormously.
Grabbit creates a stream of data using https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/[Google's Protocol Buffers] aka "ProtoBuf". Protocol Buffers are an extremely efficient (in terms of CPU, memory and wire size) binary protocol that includes compression.
Moreover, by doing a continuous stream, we avoid the latency issues. Depending on the size and nature of the data, as well as network latency, we have so far seen speed improvements ranging from 2 to 10 times that of Recap/vlt.
NOTE: "Grabbit" obviously refers to this "grabbing" content from one CQ/AEM instance and copying it to another. However it also refers to "Jackrabbit," the reference JCR implementation that the content is being copied to and from.
image:https://api.bintray.com/packages/twcable/aem/Grabbit/images/download.svg[title = "Download", link = "https://bintray.com/twcable/aem/Grabbit/_latestVersion"]
== Table of Contents
link:{docsDir}/RELEASE_NOTES.md[Releases] link:{docsDir}/AEMSupport.adoc[Installation & Version Support]
link:{docsDir}/GeneralLayout.adoc[General Layout] link:{docsDir}/Running.adoc[Running] link:{docsDir}/Monitoring.adoc[Monitoring / Validating the Content Sync] link:{docsDir}/Cleaning.adoc[Cleaning Grabbit Job Repository]
link:{docsDir}/GettingStarted.adoc[Getting Started] link:{docsDir}/Building.adoc[Building from Source] ** link:{docsDir}/RELEASING.adoc[Releasing A New Version]
link:{docsDir}/LibraryAttribution.adoc[Library Attribution]