TWENTY-20 / youtrack-diagramms

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YouTrack Diagrams Editor

Once installed into JetBrains YouTrack, this App provides a Drawio-Editor for editing diagrams.


  1. npm install
  2. npm build

Manual way

  1. Archive "build" folder into a single ZIP file (npm run pack)
  2. Go to %YOUTRACK_URL%/admin/apps (you need admin permissions to do so)
  3. Import app from ZIP archive
  4. Attach app to desired projects on %YOUTRACK_URL%/admin/editProject/%PROJECT_ID%?tab=apps page
  5. Open an issue in desired project and check App widgets appear

Endpoint way (useful for developing)

  1. npm run upload -- --host %YOUTRACK_URL% --token perm:cm9vdA==.NT..., where token is a permanent token, granted on %YOUTRACK_URL%/youtrack/users/me?tab=account-security
  2. Attach to desired projects, as described above
  3. Apply changes to sources and repeat p.2