TaDaa / vimade

An eye friendly plugin that fades your inactive buffers and preserves your syntax highlighting!
MIT License
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support dimming :terminal windows #46

Open tammersaleh opened 4 years ago

tammersaleh commented 4 years ago

First off, thanks for vimade! It really helps keep track of where I am when I'm using lots of splits, and it's great for pair programming.

I use :terminal windows heavily. I'm not sure if this is possible, since :terminal doesn't use vim highlight groups, but it'd be awesome if we could dim those as well.

TaDaa commented 4 years ago

I believe there is a partial way to do this, but requires putting the terminal into normal mode before leaving it. I use something similar to the remap below, which should work in both neovim and vim:

tnoremap <ESC> <C-\><C-N>
tnoremap <C-w> <C-\><C-N><C-w>
tammersaleh commented 4 years ago

Thanks @TaDaa - I'll give that a try