TaDaa / vimade

An eye friendly plugin that fades your inactive buffers and preserves your syntax highlighting!
MIT License
486 stars 8 forks source link


An eye catching plugin that fades your inactive buffers and preserves syntax highlighting!!!!

Fade inactive windows

Fade using custom tints

Change the fadelevel

Fade signs (example below does 4000 signs)

Fade/Unfade diffs together

Fade/Unfade using word wrap

Fade using NormalNC (NVIM only)

Whats coming?

Add TaDaa/vimade to your vimrc -- you can use any plugin manager e.g:

Plug 'TaDaa/vimade'

Vimade is initialized with the following configuration. Vimade will react to configuration changes on the fly:

let g:vimade = {
  \ "normalid": '',
  \ "normalncid": '',
  \ "basefg": '',
  \ "basebg": '',
  \ "fadelevel": 0.4,
  \ "colbufsize": 15, "15 is the default for gui vim, 5 is the default for terminals and gvim
  \ "rowbufsize": 15, "15 is the default for gui vim, 0 is the default for terminals and gvim
  \ "checkinterval": 100, "100 is the default for gui vim, 500 is the default for terminals and neovim
  \ "usecursorhold": 0, "0 is default, but will automatically set to 1 for Windows GVIM
  \ "detecttermcolors": 0,
  \ 'enablescroll': 1, "1 is the default for gui vim, but will automatically set to 0 for terminals and Windows GVIM.
  \ 'enablesigns': g:vimade_features.has_signs_priority, "enabled for vim/nvim versions that support sign priority.  Older vim/nvim versions may suffer performance issues
  \ 'signsid': 13100,
  \ 'signsretentionperiod': 4000,
  \ 'fademinimap': 1,
  \ 'fadepriority': 10,
  \ 'groupdiff': 1,
  \ 'groupscrollbind': 0,
  \ 'enablefocusfading': 0,
  \ 'enablebasegroups': 1,
  \ 'enabletreesitter' : 0, "EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE - 0 is the default, enables support for treesitter highlights"
  \ 'basegroups': ['Folded', 'Search', 'SignColumn', 'LineNr', 'CursorLine', 'CursorLineNr', 'DiffAdd', 'DiffChange', 'DiffDelete', 'DiffText', 'FoldColumn', 'Whitespace']
Config Example(s)

Always remember to first set the global vimade object (let g:vimade={}) this example reduces the amount of fading applied to text*

let g:vimade = {}
let g:vimade.fadelevel = 0.7
let g:vimade.enablesigns = 1

I am using GVIM and my mappings are not working

What about Vim < 8?

My colors look off in terminal mode!

Tmux is not working!

Vim becomes slow when completions ar visible/changing (typically noticeable when a large number of buffers are open and autocomplete is running). Neovim does not seem to suffer from the same performance degradation.