TaDaa / vimade

An eye friendly plugin that fades your inactive buffers and preserves your syntax highlighting!
MIT License
486 stars 8 forks source link

Signs don't fade when switching windows #64

Closed alexghergh closed 2 years ago

alexghergh commented 2 years ago

Hello, Not a big issue for me, but signs don't seem to work when switching buffers. They don't fade out, but instead stay at their respective color. Tested with gruvbox and Neovim 0.5.0 and a minimal vimrc.

Vimade info:

{"version": "0.0.5", "features": {"has_vimr": 0, "has_gui_running": 0,
"has_nvim": 1, "has_sign_group": 1, "has_gui_version": 0, "has_gui": 0,
"has_python3": 1, "has_sign_priority": 1, "has_python": 0}, "python":
{"original_background": "dark", "signs_priority": 0, "base_fg24b_last":
"#ebdbb2", "base_fg256": [255, 255, 255], "base_bg24b": [40, 40, 40],
"base_hi": [[255, 255, 255], [0, 0, 0], [235, 219, 178], [40, 40, 40], null],
"fade_priority": "10", "signs_group_text": " group=vimade ", "ENABLE_SIGNS": 8,
"term_bg": "#000000", "is_nvim": true, "normal_fg24b": "#ebdbb2",
"base_fg_exp24b": "#EBDBB2", "DISABLE_SIGNS": 16, "win_width": "20",
"basegroups": ["Folded", "Search", "SignColumn", "LineNr", "CursorLine",
"CursorLineNr", "DiffAdd", "DiffChange", "DiffDelete", "DiffText",
"FoldColumn", "Whitespace", "NonText", "SpecialKey", "Conceal"], "term_fg":
"#FFFFFF", "enable_scroll": 0, "background": "dark", "base_bg256": [0, 0, 0],
"group_diff": 1, "termguicolors": true, "term_response": false, "features":
{"has_vimr": "0", "has_gui_running": "0", "has_nvim": "1", "has_gui_version":
"0", "has_sign_group": "1", "has_python3": "1", "has_sign_priority": "1",
"has_gui": "0", "has_python": "0"}, "col_buf_size": 5, "base_fg_exp256": "231",
"signs_priority_text": " priority=0 ", "normal_fg256": "", "normal_bg24b":
"#282828", "fade_minimap": 1, "BASEGROUPS": 32, "normalnc_id": "47",
"base_bg256_last": "#000000", "enable_treesitter": 1, "row_buf_size": 0,
"base_bg_exp24b": "#282828", "enable_basegroups": 1, "base_fade24b": "#7f7866",
"base_fg256_last": "#FFFFFF", "colorscheme": "\ngruvbox",
"signs_retention_period": 4000, "base_fg24b": [235, 219, 178],
"group_scrollbind": 0, "base_bg_exp256": "16", "normal_bg256": "", "signs_id":
13100, "normal_id": "58", "base_fade256": "102", "require_treesitter": 1,
"base_bg24b_last": "#282828", "fade_level": 0.45, "is_term": true,
"enable_signs": 1, "basegroups_faded": [["vimade_23", " ctermfg=59", "
ctermbg=16", " guifg=#57504a", " guibg=#312f2e", ""], ["vimade_9", "
ctermfg=94", "", " guifg=#866b2b", "", ""], ["vimade_29", " ctermfg=102", "
ctermbg=16", " guifg=#7f7866", " guibg=#312f2e", ""], ["vimade_12", "
ctermfg=59", "", " guifg=#4d4743", "", ""], ["vimade_43", " ctermfg=102", "
ctermbg=16", " guifg=#7f7866", " guibg=#312f2e", ""], ["vimade_13", "
ctermfg=94", " ctermbg=16", " guifg=#866b2b", " guibg=#312f2e", ""],
["vimade_25", " ctermfg=58", "", " guifg=#686a27", "", ""], ["vimade_26", "
ctermfg=59", "", " guifg=#556c4d", "", ""], ["vimade_27", " ctermfg=95", "", "
guifg=#86362d", "", ""], ["vimade_28", " ctermfg=94", "", " guifg=#866b2b", "",
""], ["vimade_24", " ctermfg=59", " ctermbg=16", " guifg=#57504a", "
guibg=#312f2e", ""], ["vimade_46", " ctermfg=16", "", " guifg=#3a3635", "",
""], ["vimade_5", " ctermfg=16", "", " guifg=#3a3635", "", ""], ["vimade_1", "
ctermfg=16", "", " guifg=#3a3635", "", ""], ["vimade_30", " ctermfg=59", "", "
guifg=#50605a", "", ""]]}, "other": {"background": "dark", "vimade_running": 1,
"vimade_error_count": 0, "colorscheme": "\ngruvbox", "vimade_timer": 1,
"normal_hi": ["#ebdbb2", "#282828", ""], "t_Co": "256", "normal_id": 58,
"vimade_loaded": 1, "vimade_paused": 0, "vimade_py_cmd": "py3", "syntax":
"lua"}, "config": {"enablesigns": 1, "signspriority": 0, "fadelevel": 0.45,
"enablescroll": 0, "$extended": 1, "usecursorhold": 0, "basebg": "",
"normalid": 58, "fadepriority": 10, "colbufsize": 5, "enabletreesitter": 1,
"fademinimap": 1, "__background": "dark", "signsid": 13100, "basefg": "",
"__colorscheme": "\ngruvbox", "enablebasegroups": 1, "normalncid": 47,
"groupscrollbind": 0, "signsretentionperiod": 4000, "__termguicolors": 1,
"rowbufsize": 0, "detecttermcolors": 0, "basegroups": ["Folded", "Search",
"SignColumn", "LineNr", "CursorLine", "CursorLineNr", "DiffAdd", "DiffChange",
"DiffDelete", "DiffText", "FoldColumn", "Whitespace", "NonText", "SpecialKey",
"Conceal"], "groupdiff": 1, "enablefocusfading": 1, "checkinterval": 500}}

The signcolumn setting in Neovim is: signcolumn=yes

If needed, I can provide extra information to replicate this.

TaDaa commented 2 years ago

Hi thanks for the info. If you wouldn't mind either posting the vimrc or grabbing the output from getbufinfo(<bufnr>) for the buffer that has the unfaded signs that would be great.

alexghergh commented 2 years ago

A very minimal vimrc that I managed to pull out so the error still happens:

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'

Plug 'mhinz/vim-signify'

Plug 'Tadaa/vimade'

call plug#end()

set termguicolors
colorscheme gruvbox

I made sure that I removed all the plugins already existing from my normal installation (the runtimepath seemed ok). Screenshot_20210827_110016 This is how it looks with the above vimrc. Notice the signs on the left don't have the correct background color. As I said, not a super huge issue, but thanks for looking into it nonetheless.

The getbufinfo(0) output:

[{'lnum': 0, 'bufnr': 3, 'variables': {'did_ftplugin': 1, 'undo_ftplugin':
'setlocal fo< com< cms< suffixesadd<', 'changedtick': 36, 'current_syntax':
'lua', 'sy': {'info': {'file': '''main.lua''', 'dir': '<dir>',
'path': '''/<dir>/main.lua'''}, 'hunks': [{'end': 6, 'ids': [256,
257], 'start': 5}], 'signid': 258, 'external': {}, 'path':
'/<dir>/main.lua', 'signtable': {'5': 1, '6': 1}, 'detecting': 0,
'vcs': ['git'], 'stats': [0, 1, 2], 'lines': [5, 6], 'updated_by': 'git',
'buffer': 3, 'internal': {'5': {'id': 256, 'type': 'SignifyDelete2
priority=10'}, '6': {'id': 257, 'type': 'SignifyChange  priority=10'}}},
'match_ignorecase': 0, 'did_indent': 1, 'sy_job_id_git': 0}, 'signs': [{'lnum':
5, 'id': 256, 'name': 'SignifyDelete2', 'priority': 10, 'group': ''}, {'lnum':
6, 'id': 257, 'name': 'SignifyChange', 'priority': 10, 'group': ''}], 'name':
'/<dir>/main.lua', 'changed': 0, 'lastused': 1630051115, 'loaded':
1, 'windows': [1001], 'hidden': 0, 'listed': 1, 'changedtick': 36, 'linecount':
TaDaa commented 2 years ago

That should fix it, let me know if not though. Thanks!

alexghergh commented 2 years ago

That seems to be working correctly! Thank you! Closing this.