TaDaa / vimade

An eye friendly plugin that fades your inactive buffers and preserves your syntax highlighting!
MIT License
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Vim EndOfBuffer area is not fading #66

Closed sriramkandukuri closed 2 years ago

sriramkandukuri commented 2 years ago


normal text area is fading as expected but EndOfBuffer area is not fading while moving to any other pane or window.

TaDaa commented 2 years ago

Hi there -- if you are using Neovim the latest update should fix this for you, EndOfBuffer is now added into g:vimade.basegroups.

If you are using Vim you may want to consider overriding the EndOfBuffer highlight to match Normal ctermbg/guibg -- the command VimadeOverrideEndOfBuffer will override the highlights for you.

sriramkandukuri commented 2 years ago

Yes I am using neovim mainly.

Is there a way to configure this plugin in lua.

TaDaa commented 2 years ago

Yes all plugin configs should be accessible through lua -- most have options in the g:vimade variable.

Something like this should work fine: vim.g.vimade = vim.tbl_extend('force', vim.g.vimade, {["fadelevel"] = 0.2})