Taggic / IssueTracker

issue tracking as dokuwiki plugin
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Simply spoken a user can easily report an issue for defined products which will be added to an issue log (project). Some checks are implemented to prove if most important values are given. The user will be informed by a green info box if the issue was added successfully to the log file or a red one with details to provide missing information. The issue will be stored to a file of issues and gets an ID. Automatically the configured admin is informed by mail about a new entry to the issue list. The complete issue list delivers a detailed overview to the admin of the reports. The admin is able to easily reduce the visible information (column wise) displayed to the users, which not necessarily of interest by them.

Members of configured 'assign' groups are able to edit the entries of the issue list and see the complete set of details. The issue list is sortable on all columns. The email addresses of this group members are automatically loaded into the lists select box to be easily set as issue related contact.

Please read the complete and most recent plugin description at: http://www.fristercons.de/fcon/doku.php?id=issuetracker:descr


Simply place the following syntax into the page markup of 2 different pages:

====== Report an Issue ====== NOCACHE {{issuetracker>project=your_project|status=all|severity=all|display=form}}

====== List of Issues ====== NOCACHE {{issuetracker>project=your_project|product=all|status=all|severity=all|display=issues}}


Just download and extract it as folder “issuetracker” into your “\lib\plugins” directory.


The following configurations can be done via the configuration manager: Admin => Configuration Settings => Issuetracker Plugin Settings

^ config item ^ options & defaults ^

Inform by mail about new issues ? = on/off

Who is to be informed ? = email_address

Edits only by registered users = on/off

Inform user automatically by mail = on/off about issue mod

Configure columns to be shown to = multi select of columns to be displayed user as overview if non-admin viewing the issue list

Use captcha = on/off

Define severity levels you will use = Query,Minor,Medium,Major,Critical, (comma separated) Feature Request(defines user options)

Define issue status levels you = New,Assigned,External Pending,In will use(comma separated) Progress,Solved,Canceled,Double (defines assignee's options)

Define tracked products = define products of the project where (comma separated) users can report issues

select wiki user groups pre-selected = admin|user for assigning issues to (Pipe ”|” separated)

status text instead of icons at = little icons will be displayed with Issue list status text as tooltip to save space on table output but if you switch on here the statusis provided as text

severity text instead of icons at = little icons will be displayed with Issue list severity text as tooltip to save space on table output but if you switch on here the severityis provided as text


Use this plugin to simply create an issue tracking. It is a further development based on dokumicrobugtracker 2011-04-13 initial code base for corrections, which was not working on my installation (Rincewind + Arctic). Probably you noticed the same problems (e.g. edit of entries does not work) and may find a help with this.

  1. Report an issue

    This is a form shown to the user to provide controls for input of issue information. Following information are handled:


    ID automatically set Project automatically set (defined by your_project, see Syntax) Product user can select from admin pre-defined set of values Version user to enter version info User name name derived from login if registered user, else should be entered by user User mail e-mail derived from login if registered user, else should be entered by user User phone phonenumber of the user Add contact a further contact can be added if necessary Severity user can select from admin pre-defined set of severities Issue Title the headline of the issue Issue Description user to enter the issue details Symptoms user may add up to 3 links targeting files on a symptom server Captcha user to enter for security reasons (if configured)

  2. Issue List

    The Plugin delivers an issue list, where admin can configure a restricted view for users. The admin view delivers more details in the table. Admin is able to modify some entries directly on this output, i.e. admin is able to assign the issue to a member of configured user-groups (see configuration).


  3. Issue Details view

    For better handling and also accessible for users there is a details view of an issue. Therefore the Issue List containing a input and button to specify the isuue ID. This will provide a new page displaying all information of an issue and delivering a comment function for interaction between User and Admin/ assigned resource. Both (user/assignee) will be informed about issue updates by email, if configured.

  4. General Info

    There are multiple files created. First there is a project file containing all issue information except comments. Each issue will have a related comments file where the communication is stored to. Additionally a status log file will provide an overview when the status changed and by whom. All files are stored to data/meta directory with file extension ”.issue” or ”.cmnts”.