logs/logs_kfold : store the log files during training.
output/output_kfold : store the performence evaluation files (tr means train performence, te:test)
weights/weights_kfold : store the weight of trained wesad_model# in wesad_model#.h5 format.
PreprocessedData : store the preprocessed data obtained by runing data_preprocess.py; if you want to run data_preprocess.py, modify "preprocess_data = 0" to "preprocess_data = 1".
model.py : build model structure; we have 5 models here.
kfold.py : implement kfold cross-validation on models; compare and choose the best model.
DL.py : train the best model.
Change the "model_name" in kfold.py/DL.py; you could choose 'wesad_affect1'/'wesad_affect2'/'wesad_affect4'/'wesad_affect5'/'wesad_affect6'.