TaintDroid / android_platform_dalvik

Mirror of git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/dalvik.git with TaintDroid additions (mirror lags official Android)
48 stars 41 forks source link

Cannot download dalvik #1

Open z971586668 opened 7 years ago

z971586668 commented 7 years ago

Dear All, Sorry to disturb you. I am trying to work with TaintDroid, and there is a problem in step 2. % repo forall dalvik libcore frameworks/base frameworks/native frameworks/opt/telephony system/vold system/core device/samsung/manta device/samsung/tuna \ packages/apps/TaintDroidNotify -c 'git checkout -b taintdroid-4.3_r1 --track github/taintdroid-4.3_r1 && git pull' I recived a error: project dalvik not found

Can you help me to figure out this problem?

parulkhanna commented 7 years ago


I also got the same error, Have you found the solution.

frameworks/opt/telephony system/vold system/core device/samsung/manta device/samsung/tuna \packages/apps/TaintDroidNotify -c 'git checkout -b taintdroid-4.3_r1 --track github/taintdroid-4.3_r1 && git pull' error: project dalvik not found
