TaintDroid / android_platform_dalvik

Mirror of git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/dalvik.git with TaintDroid additions (mirror lags official Android)
48 stars 41 forks source link

This directory contains the Dalvik virtual machine and core class library, as well as related tools, libraries, and tests.

A note about the licenses and header comments

Much of the code under this directory originally came from the Apache Harmony project, and as such contains the standard Apache header comment. Some of the code was written originally for the Android project, and as such contains the standard Android header comment. Some files contain code from both projects. In these cases, the header comment is a combination of the other two, and the portions of the code from Harmony are identified as indicated in the comment.

Here is the combined header comment:


Native SH call bridge

Native SH call bridge is written by Shin-ichiro KAWASAKI shinichiro.kawasaki.mg@hitachi.com and Contributed to Android by Hitachi, Ltd. and Renesas Solutions Corp.