TaiwanCodingShrimp / Auto_Stock_trading

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Welcome to Shrimp!Shrimp! Auto-Stock-Trading respository

Development Guide

Brief env setup Steps:

  1. Git clone repo (ssh git@github.com:TaiwanCodingShrimp/Auto_Stock_trading.git)
  2. Install pyenv on your computer (ref: Install and User guide for both windows/Mac ref: Install for Windows)---pyenv install 3.10 (PS. And dont forhet to shell)
  3. Install poetry on your computer (ref: install on windows ref:install on Mac/Windows & User guide)
  4. Run "poetry install" to install the project and dependencies in the dir (PS. remember to shell)
  5. Run "pre-commit install" to install pre-commit in hooks

[!NOTE] Our dev python version is 3.10

This is quite interseting, you should read abot this ---> Why using poetry but not just pip and container?

More pyenv&poetry Guide

About pre-commit

ref: ref

step1. "pre-commit install" (should make sure you have shell your poetry env)

Step2. For usage. "pre-commit run --all-files"

Basic GitFlow

處理新的issue,務必要開一個針對這個issue的分支,不要直接對master修改 !!! (This is vital)

Brief Steps: (run in your terminal or cmd)

  1. git checkout master (switch your local branch to master)
  2. git pull (update your local master)
  3. git checkout -b "輸入你的branch名字" (open a new branch and switch to it)
  4. 開始你的更改
  5. git add
  6. git commit (記得run pre-commit) 如果有安裝好環境,跑commit就會執行了
  7. git push
  8. create your PR(Pull Request)
  9. Request code review !!!
  10. After aproved ,Do "Squash merge "

    [!NOTE] GitFlow is very important !!!! Do follow it !!!


    For more git details: 連結1-> ref-多人協作 連結2-> ref-git基本操作

    pre-commit兩個方式: 安裝好自動會在git commit觸發 或是 可以手動執行 pre-commit run --all-files