Tamillis / PostIt

A .NET Entity Framework using Web App demonstration
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A C# .NET Entity Framework MVC Web App demonstration.

A very simple twitter clone where users can register & log in, post short messages with a title and a body, see everyone's posts organised by relevance (a simple recency + likes formula) and leave comment posts, i.e. posts that are anchored to some other post.

Feature List

Wanted Feature List

Current State of the Project

Sprint 1 is complete as of this push. Ready to start sprint 2, which doubles as a demonstration of the entire sprint process. There will be links to a kanban board, User Stories, Figma design board, a metro retrospective and a redone README suitable for the project. The README will contain an example of a User Story, its breakdown into SpecFlow Unit Tests, the result of those tests (passing) and then a short section on the code that makes it pass, all together functioning as a demonstration of TDD.

Login Page

Login Page

User Registration


Wrong Password

Wrong password



New Post

New Post

QA Demonstration

A demonstration of Unit testing using NUnit can be found in the code here

In Memory database use can be found with the PostItServiceShould tests.


For a demonstration of SpecFlow use, see User Journey Demonstration

User Journey Demonstration

Here is a demonstration of one user story, and its implementation throughout the project in a step by step manner; a workflow known as Test Driven Development.

1 User Story

User Story

2 SpecFlow Feature file

TODO (Feature File screenshot)

3 Tests

TODO (Unit testing project code screenshot)

4 Implementation

TODO (Code implementation screenshot)

5 Product

TODO (website screenshot/s)



Figma Design

Home Page Design

I am not a designer, but this will do as a demonstration of "this is what I want you to make", and then the real site being how close I can get to that.

Metroretro Retrospective



Under releases, download the provided .zip, unzip and open the .sln using Visual Studio (with ASP.NET and web development & SQL Server installed), install dependencies through NuGet (see screenshot below), click run.

For the latest development iteration: clone the repo and load the .sln using Visual Studio (with ASP.NET and web development & SQL Server installed), install dependencies through NuGet (see screenshot below), and click run.

NuGet Dependencies

Nuget Dependencies