TampereHacklab / mezzanine

Tampere Hacklab's Mezzanine CMS (aka web pages)
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Tampere Hacklab's Mezzanine CMS (aka web pages)


git clone https://github.com/TampereHacklab/mezzanine.git
cd mezzanine
(Copy settings template to `trehacklab/trehacklab/local_settings.py`, described below)
docker image build -t mezzanine:latest .
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name mezzanine mezzanine:latest

Mezzanine should now run at http://localhost:8000/

To run in your dev environment (empty database)

docker exec -it mezzanine bash -c "cd trehacklab && python3 manage.py createdb && python3 manage.py runserver"

To run in existing environment (hacklab's database)


Getting started with local environment

Clone the repo and initialize virtualenv

git clone https://github.com/TampereHacklab/mezzanine.git
cd mezzanine/trehacklab
virtualenv -p python3 virtualenv
source virtualenv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Copy settings template to trehacklab/trehacklab/local_settings.py:

DEBUG = True
SECRET_KEY = "asdfasdfsecretasdfasdf"

    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3",
        "NAME": "dev.db",

Populate db and start the server

python3 manage.py createdb
python3 manage.py runserver

Development server should start at

Modifying templates

Collect the html templates:

python3 manage.py collecttemplates

This will create templates directory, which contains the editable default templates. You can modify them to affect the page layouts. Only modified templates should be included in git. If a template is missing, the default one from Mezzanine is used.

Style sheets

File trehacklab/static/css/trehacklab.css contains our customizations to the default css file. It's included last so it overrides any other templates. Put your customizations there.