TanHaus / furni-mobile-app

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Setting up


  1. node and npm
  2. expo - Run npm install expo-cli --global in the terminal to install.
  3. git

Setup instructions

  1. Fork this repo, and clone the fork to your computer
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run expo start to run Expo DevTools on localhost
  4. Ways to run the app
    1. On a physical device via Internet connection:
      1. First install Expo Client on your mobile device
      2. In Expo DevTools, if connection is set to LAN, ensure that both the computer and mobile device are connected to the same wireless network. Otherwise set the connection to Tunnel.
      3. Scan the QR code displayed on Expo DevTools using the Expo Client app.
    2. On a physical Android device connected via USB port
      1. From Expo DevTools
      2. Alternatively, if the device is installed with at least Android 5.0 and USB debugging is enabled, skip step 3 and run expo start --localhost --android
    3. On a mobile simulator:
      1. Android
      2. iOS

Note: please do not view the app on browser using Expo webpack because the code is not tested and specifically configured to work on Expo web build.

Application Design


architecture diagram

Security implementation

Basic implementation of authentication using JSON web token

Desired outcomes

Overview of the proposed authentication design

Analysis of the proposed authentication design

Implementation details

Token lifecycle

 Access Token Refresh Token
Gets created On login or calling refreshToken API On login or calling refreshToken API
Expiry Short Long
Becomes invalid When expires When expires, a new pair of tokens is issued, or an illegal attempt to renew tokens is made


database schema

Machine learning: furniture classifier