NOTE: This repoository is no longer in-use. Its code has been copied to the client directory of the main Tangerine repository .
Tangerine is an application for assessing students on any scale, country-level, district-level or classroom-level. Tangerine is designed for Early Grade Reading Assessments but flexible and powerful enough to handle any survey's requirements.
Please visit the wiki for the most up to date development guides and references and Tangerine Central for much more information and news.
Alternatively put, Tangerine is a CouchApp that uses Apache CouchDB built with Backbone.js, LessCSS written in CoffeeScript augmented with Sinatra and PHP.
The project website is at and the software development roadmap is tracked in
_The following is a list of tools useful for Tangerine. Related: See the guide for setting up a Tangerine server.
Then clone this repo.
git clone
Use the correct branch - for stable development, stick to master. For recent development, use develop
npm install
bower install
These commands read the relevant node and ruby dependencies and installs all of the necessary libraries.
There's a postinstall script that runs when npm install is done that will add the android platform and then run gulp init.
To launch the app, run the npm start target, which uses the http-server and runs ./scripts/listen.rb to compile changed coffeescript files and other useful tasks.
npm start
If you're doing application development, you'll want to run the debug gulp target
npm run debug
When in debug, the app generates index-dev.html. View the app at http://localhost:8080/index-dev.html
To view the app with minimised javascript, open http://localhost:8080
Sourcemaps are now available; therefore, you should be able to debug with them, although it is better to use the debug target (described above).
This requires installing the Android SDK Tools.
npm build:apk
View package.json for other useful npm targets:
Preload.js in the scripts dir will download assessments from an instance of Tangerine. Change the source group name in preload.js:
var group_name = "groupName";
Enter the username and password on the commandline:
node preload.js T_ADMIN=user T_PASS=pass
If you already have loaded data in your local pouch, you'll need to follow the instruction on clearing your pouch instance later in this document.
There is another way to pre-load data into your dev environment; however, it it more geared towards writing tests:
will compile development Assessment packs used for testing to ./test/packs.json
If you would like to use those Assessments in your sandbox, run the ./scripts/compilepacks.js
, copy ./test/packs.json
to ./src/packs.json
and then from your JS console run Utils.loadDevelopmentPacks()
Fork the repository and update your fork
git remote show Tangerine-Community
git checkout master
git pull Tangerine-Community master
Get the id of the issue you’re fixing
git checkout -b 189-footer-disappeared
Fix the bug and commit the change. Submit a pull request.
Sometimes you will get a conflict when attempting to merge your update with master. Here's a solution:
Update your fork's master
git checkout master
git pull Tangerine-Community master
Merge your code into master
git merge name-of-your-bugfix-fork
Fix the errors.
Add them to git
git add .
Sometimes you need to start with a fresh pouch. Paste this to your javascript console and it will delete your tangerine pouch.
var db = new PouchDB('tangerine');
db.destroy().then(function () {
// success
}).catch(function (error) {
The tests run in mocha/phantomjs. The pouch runs in a in-memory container.
This requires that you have the Grunt CLI installed globally.
npm install -g grunt-cli
To run the tests, use the following command.
npm test
To run the tests in a browser, compile the src code, compile the test, start the test server, and then navigate to
npm start
# now kill the process using ctrl-c to be able to run the next command
npm test
# now kill the process using ctrl-c to be able to run the next command
npm run testInBrowser
Currently tests are all written using the Mocha framework and placed in ./test/spec/
. We have a giant describe
with each test contained in an it
. For example, here is the test that verifies that an assessment can be retrieved.
it('Should return the expected assessment', (done)->
id = "5edd67d0-9579-6c8d-5bb5-03a33b4556a6"
assessment = new Assessment "_id" : id
error:(err) ->
console.log "Catch Error: " + JSON.stringify err
success: (record) ->
Tangerine.assessment = assessment
expect(assessment.get("name")).to.equal('01. LTTP2 2015 - Student');
When you write your own test, place it after the last it
When you write a test, you might want to create a new Assessment to test against. In ./test/packs
folder you will find a number of JSON documents, one for each Assessment. Because these JSON docs are in that folder, they are automatically loaded into the PouchDB database before your test will run. You can include your own Assessment in that folder by creating it on an instance of Tangerine Server and then using the ./scripts/pack-cli.js
script to pull it down.
From the command line, the ./scripts/pack-cli.js
command can be used like this.
./scripts/pack-cli.js --id a8587919-0d0e-9155-b41d-7a71b41be749 --url > test/packs/be749-grid-with-autostop-and-subsequent-test-with-link-to-grid.json
Notice the naming convention of the JSON file. It's the last 5 characters of the Assessment ID and then a descriptive human readable name.
Using to manage dependencies.
Tangerine.progress is an object that contains status of the application: index, currentView, etc.
Add translations to the appropriate language file in src/locales/. To access translations in javascript:
router.navigateAwayMessage = t("Router.message.quit_assessment")
Many Views place the translations into a property that can be used by a template. For example, in AssessmentCompositeView
i18n: ->
@text =
"next" : t("")
"back" : t("SubtestRunView.button.back")
ui.text = @text
This can be referenced in a handlebars template:
<button class='subtest-next navigation'>{{}}</button>
SurveyRunItemView contains some code to help Assessments created for earlier versions of Tangerine run in the new version.
vm = {
currentView: Tangerine.progress.currentSubview
Also, some of the old displayCode is checked to see if it contains some of the old vm namespace:
displaycodeFixed = displayCode.replace("vm.currentView.subtestViews[vm.currentView.index].prototypeView", "Tangerine.progress.currentSubview");
The app current uses Cordova 6.
Use cordova-check-plugins to check/update plugins
The Crosswalk plugin is used to provide a modern version of the Chromium browser for all Tangerine instances. This is configured in config.xml.
If you run into issue uploading data, be sure to check the Content-Security-Policy whitelist in index.html. It may be necessary to change or add a url.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"
content="default-src *;
style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ;
img-src 'self' data:;
connect-src 'self' data: blob: filesystem:">
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see