TanvirOnGH / firefox-config

Personal Firefox Browser Configuration
Mozilla Public License 2.0
11 stars 2 forks source link
animation browser-customization eyecandy firefox firefox-css firefox-quantum firefox-tweaks hovercard rgb sidebery theme userchrome userscript


My Tailor-Fitted highly customized and advanced Firefox configuration.

This repository is not meant to be used as a whole, but rather as a reference for my own configuration. I do not recommend using it as is, as it is not meant to be used by anyone else. I do not provide any support for this repository. If you want to use it, you are on your own.

[!TIP] Disable all telemetry and data collection in Firefox. Look at my user.js and find others' user.js and hardened firefox configs.

For customizing firefox yourself, look at section Customizing Firefox.



Page loading animation


Navigation Buttons

Other buttons



Downloads Menu


Where do each files go

File Location
user.js ~/.mozilla/firefox/.default/
chrome ~/.mozilla/firefox/.default/

NB: You can find your default profile in ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini.

Per addon configuration files are located in addons directory.

Additional tweaks


Go to Open application menu > More tools > Customize toolbar... and make the following changes:

Toolbar Settings

Set Density to Normal and uncheck Title Bar.

To disable bookmarks toolbar:

Bookmarks Toolbar

Customizing Firefox

If you're planning to make multiple and extensive alterations to your UI, learning how to use the Browser Toolbox is essential. It allows you to create modifications to the UI and fix those modifications if a newer version of the Firefox codebase causes issues.

While the Browser Toolbox isn't particularly user-friendly to set up or use initially, perseverance will pay off as it is key to inspecting Firefox's UI. Check out the r/firefoxcss wiki and search the subreddit for specific posts.

Investigate how to use Mozilla's source code indexing tool SearchFox as well.

Most of your "How to" questions can be answered by the Browser Toolbox and SearchFox, though it takes some time to understand them both from scratch.

As an alternative to using the Browser Toolbox and SearchFox, you can explore the wealth of information in subreddits like r/FirefoxCSS, r/firefox and r/unixporn. Finding the precisely relevant information often requires diligent searching with a variety of keywords. A useful trick is to search with a section of CSS userstyle, a selector, or a rule related to the UI element you want to modify. You can also look on GitHub, GitLab, and other code hosting sites, or simply use your favorite search engine. There are various articles and blogs online as well. Discord servers like unixporn can be helpful too.

Look for specific topics in github: userchrome, firefox-css, firefox-tweaks, userchrome-styles, userchromecss

More handy resources: userchrome.org, FirefoxCSS Store, Mozilla Bugzilla


The theme I'm currently using: RosyBrown Dark by Me


You can find list of addons I use here.



Stylus styles

Stylus styles

Ublock origin

Enabled all filters except for the regional ones. And added some custom filters:

Ublock origin

Notable Mentions