Tapad / tapestry-ios-sdk

Tapestry iOS SDK (archived as unmaintained)
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

Quick Setup

Download the Tapestry iOS SDK (tapestry-ios-sdk-X-X-X.zip) from the releases page (appledocs here).

  1. Extract the zip and drag Tapestry.xcodeproj into your app project
  2. Select your target and choose the Build Phases tab, adding the following:
    • Target dependency: Tapestry
    • Link binary: libTapestry.a
    • Link binary: SystemConfiguration.framework
    • Link binary: AdSupport.framework
  3. Under your target's Build Settings tab, add the following:
    • Header Search Paths: ${BUILD_PRODUCTS_DIR}/include/ (select recursive when adding)
    • Other Linker Flags: -ObjC
  4. Under your target's Info tab, add:
    • Custom iOS Target Properies: TapestryPartnerID as the key. The value should be your partner id.

Using Tapestry

Include the Tapestry header file:

    #import "TATapestryClient.h"

Construct a request, add some audiences and data, and send the request:

    TATapestryRequest* request = [TATapestryRequest request];
    [request addAudiences:@"aud1", @"aud2", @"aud3", nil];
    [request addData:@"blue" forKey:@"color"];
    [request addData:@"ford" forKey:@"make"];
    [[TATapestryClient sharedClient] queueRequest:request];

Make a request for data, and do something with it in a callback:

    TATapestryRequest* request = [TATapestryRequest request];
    TATapestryResponseHandler handler = ^(TATapestryResponse* response, NSError* error,
                                          NSTimeInterval intervalSinceRequestFirstInvoked){
        if (error) {
            NSLog(@"Call failed with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
        } else {
            if ([response wasSuccess]) {
                NSString* color = [response firstValueForKey:@"color"];
                NSArray* allColors = [[response data] valueForKey:@"color"];
                NSLog(@"This user likes the color %@", color");
            } else {
                NSLog(@"Call failed with service failures: \n%@", [response errors]);
    [[TATapestryClient sharedClient] queueRequest:request withResponseBlock:handler];


See the docs folder for documentation. They are also available online here.


To run the client unit tests, you will need to run the provided mock server:

ruby scripts/test_server.rb -p 4567


The SDK uses IDFA, OpenUDID, and hashed MAC addresses for device identification. If any identifier is found to be opted-out, Tapad considers the entire device opted-out. OpenUDID and MAC address can be disabled with a configuration setting. To remove any trace of code which accesses the MAC address, you can simply delete a few lines of code in TATapadIdentifiers.m. See the documentation for TATapadIdentifiers for more details.


This software is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.